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Fully Open Source RISC-V Microcontroller written in SpinalHDL. The chip layout was done with the IHP SG13G2 PDK and the open RTL-to-GDSII tool OpenROAD.


ElemRV-init comes with a container image which has all required host dependencies installed. Therefore, only the sources have to be locally installed and you keep your host system clean.

  • Install podman:

    sudo apt install podman
  • Build the podman container:

    podman build -t elemrv:v1.0 .
    podman run \
        -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:ro \
        -e "DISPLAY" \
        -v $PWD:/srv/elemrv \
        --workdir=/srv/elemrv \
        --detach \
        --name elemrv_container \
        -it elemrv:v1.0 \
        sleep infinity
  • Download all sources:



This chapter is a quick introduction into container handling. After the installation, you should have a container called elemrv_container running on your system.

$ podman ps
CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                    COMMAND         CREATED        STATUS            PORTS       NAMES
6a4bc5082aeb  localhost/elemrv:v1.0    sleep infinity  5 minutes ago  Up 5 minutes ago              elemrv_container

If it's not running, you can check if the container exists.

$ podman container ls -a
CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                    COMMAND         CREATED        STATUS            PORTS       NAMES
6a4bc5082aeb  localhost/elemrv:v1.0    sleep infinity  7 minutes ago  Up 7 minutes ago              elemrv_container

When you're finished and you want to stop the container, run the following command to stop the ElemRV container.

podman stop elemrv_container

Obviously, before the next session, start the container again.

podman start elemrv_container

The next chapter guides through the ASIC flow. However, you can also go into the container and run all make targets there.

podman exec -it elemenrv_container bash


First, create a layout from the Verilog file.

podman exec -it elemenrv_container bash -c 'make sg13g2-synthesize'

Please check Known Issues in case the chip layout failed.

Next, open the chip yout and inspect it.

podman exec -it elemenrv_container bash -c 'make sg13g2-klayout'

Alternatively, run Design Rule Checks to verify the chip is good.

podman exec -it elemenrv_container bash -c 'make sg13g2-drc'

Use the make sg13g2-drc-gui target to show all DRC issues.

Known Issues


Copyright (c) 2024 Steffen Reith and Daniel Schultz. Released under the Apache License.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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