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Obsidian Discogs Vault Version 1.0.0 Release 1

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@doctorfree doctorfree released this 26 Nov 20:51
· 2 commits to main since this release

Release Notes

Table of contents

  1. Overview
  2. Installation
  3. Configuration
  4. Customization
  5. Removal
  6. Support
  7. Changelog


The Obsidian Discogs Vault is an Obsidian vault containing Discogs items and artist descriptions in markdown format. It can be viewed using any markdown viewer (e.g. almost any browser) but if Obsidian is used then many additional features will be available including queries using the Dataview plugin for Obsidian.

The Obsidian-Discogs-Vault repository reflects the contents of my Discogs collection. The process by which this repository was created and curated as well as the tools used in its creation and curation may be useful to other with a Discogs collection. I am making it public and freely licensed so that others may examine, adapt, clone, and use in whatever manner they choose. See the description of Process for an overview of the process and tools employed in the creation of this repository.

These are the release notes for Version 1.0.0 Release 1 of the Obsidian Discogs Vault.


The Obsidian Discogs Vault can be installed on Windows, Mac, or Linux. The following installation instructions are for Mac and Linux. Windows users can follow similar steps.

For the optimal experience, open this vault in Obsidian!

  1. Download the vault
  2. Open the vault in Obsidian via "Open another vault -> Open folder as vault"
  3. Trust us. :)
  4. When Obsidian opens the settings, verify that the "Dataview", "Excalidraw", and "Excalibrain" plugins are enabled
  5. Done! The Obsidian Discogs Vault is now available to you in its purest and most useful form!

Download the release archive

Download the latest release.

Those familiar with wget can download this release from the command line with:

wget --quiet -O ~/Downloads/Obsidian-Discogs-Vault-v1.0.0r1.tar.gz \

Extract the release archive

Currently release archives are available in either ZIP or compressed tar archive format.

To extract the ZIP archive:

cd /path/to/your/vaults # e.g. `cd ~/Documents/Obsidian`
unzip /path/to/

To extract the compressed tar archive:

cd /path/to/your/vaults # e.g. `cd ~/Documents`
tar xf /path/to/Obsidian-Discogs-Vault-1.0.0r1.tar.gz

Once extracted, the Obsidian Discogs Vault is now available in /path/to/your/vaults/Obsidian-Discogs-Vault-1.0.0r1/.

The downloaded archive can be deleted:

rm -f /path/to/


rm -f /path/to/Obsidian-Discogs-Vault-1.0.0r1.tar.gz


The Obsidian Discogs Vault is pre-configured for use with Obsidian. Install Obsidian for your platform by clicking the appropriate installation link at the Obsidian website. Obsidian is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux as well as mobile devices.

Add a new vault in Obsidian with Open folder as vault and navigate to the Obsidian-Discogs-Vault-1.0.0r1 extracted folder. When prompted, Trust and enable the Dataview plugin if it is not already enabled.

The Obsidian Discogs Vault includes the Doctorfree Obsidian theme. Enable this Obsidian theme in Obsidian by visiting Settings -> Appearance and selecting Doctorfree from the dropdown in the Themes section.

Obsidian is required for some features but is not necessary to view the Obsidian Discogs Vault. Any markdown viewer/editor can be used. If the Obsidian Discogs Vault is extracted into a website folder, it can be viewed using most browsers.

Discogs Queries

The Obsidian Discogs Vault has been curated with metadata allowing queries to be performed using the Obsidian Dataview plugin. Sample queries along with the code used to perform them can be viewed in the Discogs Queries document.


Scripts included with the Obsidian Discogs Vault make it possible to customize the vault with your personal Discogs collection. If you have a Discogs account and have curated a Discogs collection there, then you can run the Obsidian Discogs Vault scripts to generate vault markdown reflecting your Discogs collection. These instructions will setup an automated workflow to retrieve your Discogs collection via the Discogs API and generate markdown from that collection.

The Discogs API requires a Discogs username and, optionally, a Discogs API token. These can be found in your Discogs account and placed in the file $HOME/.config/mpprc as follows:

# The Discogs username can be found by visiting Login, use the
# dropdown of your user icon in the upper right corner, click on 'Profile'.
# Your Discogs username is the last component of the profile URL. IF you do
# not have a Discogs account, leave blank.
# The Discogs API token can be found by visiting

After configuring your Discogs username and API token, generate markdown for your Discogs collection by running the following commands:

cd Tools/Discogs
./mkdiscogs -a

The resulting markdown and cover art can be found in the username and assets folders where username is your capitalized Discogs username.

[Note:] For large Discogs collections this process can take a while.


To remove the Obsidian Discogs Vault simply remove the extracted folder and its contents:

cd /path/to/your/vaults # e.g. `cd ~/Documents/Obsidian`
rm -rf Obsidian-Discogs-Vault-1.0.0r1


Support the development and improvement of the Obsidian Discogs Vault by sponsoring the Projects of Doctorfree.


View the full changelog for this release at