The network Launcher can execute the following task:
- generate crypto-config yaml and execute cryptogen to generate crypto
- create configtx.yml
- create orderer genesis block
- create channel configuration transaction
- create a docker-compose.yml and launch a network
The usages of each script is given below so that they can be executed separately as needed. However, the script,, is designed to execute all tasks listed above sequentially.
- fabric commit level: v1.0.0
- fabric-sdk-node commit level: v1.0.0
- fabric-ca commit level: v1.0.0
It is user's responsibility to install related docker images on the system. User can either create docker images using make docker
or use the bootstrap scripts in fabric-test/fabric/scripts to pull docker images from dockerhub.
This is the main script to execute all tasks.
./ [opt] [value]
-a: network action [up|down], default=up
-x: number of ca, default=0
-d: ledger database type, default=goleveldb
-f: profile string, default=test
-h: hash type, default=SHA2
-k: number of kafka, default=0
-z: number of zookeepers, default=0
-n: number of channels, default=1
-o: number of orderers, default=1
-p: number of peers per organization, default=1
-r: number of organizations, default=1
-s: security type, default=256
-t: ledger orderer service type [solo|kafka], default=solo
-w: host ip 1, default=
-l: core logging level [CRITICAL|ERROR|WARNING|NOTICE|INFO|DEBUG], default=ERROR
-c: batch timeout, default=2s
-B: batch size, default=10
-F: local MSP base directory, default=$GOPATH/src/
-G: src MSP base directory, default=/opt/hyperledger/fabric/msp/crypto-config
-S: TLS enablement [enabled|disabled], default=disabled
-C: company name,
Note that when -a down
is invoked to clean network, the company name is used as a key word in searching for docker images to be deleted. The company name can be set using -C
. The default company name is
The following commands will clean a network with containers and docker images:
./ -a down -C
./ -a down
The above commands invoke
The following commands will generate a network:
./ -o 1 -x 2 -r 2 -p 2 -k 1 -z 1 -n 2 -t kafka -f test -w
./ -o 1 -x 2 -r 2 -p 2 -n 1 -f test -w localhost
./ -o 3 -x 6 -r 6 -p 2 -k 3 -z 3 -n 3 -t kafka -f test -w localhost -S enabled
The above command will invoke cryptogen, cfgtxgen, generate orderer block, channel transaction and launch network.
The script is used to clean a network.
./ [docker image key word]
./ sample
The executable is in $GOPATH/src/ and is used to create crypto
cd $GOPATH/src/
apt-get install libltdl-dev
go build
./cryptogen generate --output=<cryptogen dir> --config=<crypto config>
The script is used to create configtx.yaml.
./ [opt] [value]
-o: number of orderers, default=1
-k: number of kafka, default=0
-p: number of peers per organiztion, default=1
-h: hash type, default=SHA2
-r: number of organization, default=1
-s: security service type, default=256
-t: orderer service [solo|kafka], default=solo
-f: profile name, default=test
-b: MSP directory, default=$GOPATH/src/
-w: host ip 1, default=
-c: batch timeout, default=2s
-B: batch size, default=10
-v: array of organization name, default=0
-C: company name,
./ -o 1 -k 1 -p 2 -r 6 -h SHA2 -s 256 -t kafka -b /root/gopath/src/ -w
This is a sample of configtx.yaml to be used to generate the desired configtx.yaml. The key words in the sample file are:
- &ProfileString: the profile string
- *Org0: used by the script to list all organizations
- &OrdererOrg: used by the script to list all Organization with its attributes
- &Org0: used for the list of peers in organization
- OrdererType: used for the orderer service type
The script is used to create a docker-compose.yml and launch the network with specified number of peers, orderers, orderer service type etc. [opt] [value]
network variables
-a: action [create|add]
-p: number of peers per organization
-o: number of orderers
-k: number of brokers
-z: number of zookeeper
-r: number of organiztions
-S: TLS enablement [enabled|disabled], default=disabled
-x: number of ca
-F: local MSP base directory, default=$GOPATH/src/
-G: src MSP base directory, default=/opt/hyperledger/fabric/msp/crypto-config
-C: company name,
peer environment variables
-l: core logging level [(default = not set)|CRITICAL|ERROR|WARNING|NOTICE|INFO|DEBUG]
-d: core ledger state DB [goleveldb|couchdb]
orderer environment variables
-t: orderer type [solo|kafka]
./ -a create -z 2 -p 2 -r 2 -o 1 -k 1 -t kafka -d goleveldb -F /root/gopath/src/ -G /opt/hyperledger/fabric/msp/crypto-config
All IP addresses and ports of orderer, peer, event hub are specified in network.json.
"caAddress": "",
"caPort": "7054",
"ordererAddress": "",
"ordererPort": "7050",
"couchdbAddress": "",
"couchdbPort": "5984",
"vp0Address": "",
"vp0Port": "7061",
"evtAddress": "",
"evtPort": "9061",
All images (peer, kafka, and orderer etc) path (location) are specified in network.json
"ca": {
"image": "hyperledger/fabric-ca",
"zookeeper": {
"image": "hyperledger/fabric-zookeeper",
"kafka": {
"image": "hyperledger/fabric-kafka",
"orderer": {
"image": "hyperledger/fabric-orderer",
"peer": {
"image": "hyperledger/fabric-peer",