This includes all Tower-based Powers: Monkey Farmer ($500), Tech Bot ($500), Portable Lake ($750), Pontoon ($750) and Energising Totem ($1000); as well as the Track-based Powers: Road Spikes ($50), Glue Trap ($100), Camo Trap ($100), and Moab Mine ($500).
The costs of all these towers are configurable, with the defaults shown above. Prices can be set to a negative number to remove them from the shop. The pierces for the Track-based powers (all normal by default except for Moab Mine--changed to 1), as is the Recharge Cost and Attack Speed of the Energising Totem ($500 and 15% down from 25%, by default).
Also configurable are allowing the Power Towers in CHIMPS mode (defaults to false) and restricting them in Primary/Military/Magic Only mode towers (defaults to true).