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This is a wrapper around Yandex Map Kit for iOS and Android.

Since original projects are in deep coma, here I only support features that I needed for my other projects. If you need markers, callouts or polygons, I suggest you use react-native-maps. However, if you must use yandex map kit in your react-native projects and you need any of these features, I encourage you to contribute. Just be sure to check out both of the original SDKs before you implement anything, because they are quite different!

Note that Android version might not work properly on emulators, which results in map tiles not being rendered.

Android iOS


$ npm install react-native-yandexmapkit --save


  1. Run react-native link

  2. Add following permissions to your android/app/src/AndroidManifest.xml:

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS" />
  3. Add yandexmapkit-android repo to your android/build.gradle:

    allprojects {
      repositories {
          maven { url '' }


  1. This module requires CocoaPods to be used in iOS project. To add CocoaPods to your React Native project, follow steps 2 throught 7 of this tutorial. Add this line

    pod 'react-native-yandexmapkit', :path => '../node_modules/react-native-yandexmapkit'

    to your Podfile (you may need to adjust path if you have non-standard project structure). And then run pod install (if you’re setting up Cocoapods for the first time) or pod update (if you’re adding MoPub to an existing CocoaPods project).

  2. Add NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription key in Info.plist if you want to display user's location.

  3. Make sure that yandex maps can download stuff by configuring App Transport Security


  1. You'll need Yandex Map Kit API key. To obtain it, you need to send e-mail to Yandex support. You can find more info on this here: EN, RU.

  2. import { YandexMapKit, YandexMapView } from 'react-native-yandexmapkit';

  3. Make sure to call YandexMapKit.setApiKey(YANDEXMAPKIT_API_KEY); before mounting YandexMapView component.

  4. Render YandexMapView component:

    	<YandexMapView ref="yandexMap" onInteraction={this.onInteraction} region={this.state.region}
                           showMyLocation={true} geocodingEnabled={true} onGeocoding={this.onGeocoding}

Component API


Prop Type Default Description
region Object The region to be displayed by the map.

The region is defined by the center coordinates and the span of coordinates to display: {latitude, longitude, latitudeDelta, longitudeDelta}
initialRegion Object The initial region to be displayed by the map. Use this prop instead of region only if you don't want to control the viewport of the map besides the initial region.

Changing this prop after the component has mounted will not result in a region change.

This is similar to the initialValue prop of a text input.
showMyLocation Boolean false If true the map will show current user location marker.
nightMode Boolean false A Boolean indicating whether the map should be rendered in a night mode.
showsTraffic Boolean false A Boolean value indicating whether the map displays traffic information.
geocodingEnabled Boolean false A Boolean value indicating whether the should send reverse geocoding reqquests when region changes. These requests will return the description of geo object found in the center of the map.
disableAndroidGeocoding Boolean false If true, all reverse geocoding requests will be sent from JS. Otherwise, Android will use its own implementation.
geocodingApiKey String Yandex Maps API key to be used in geocoding requests, can be obtained here. This key is different from Yande Map KIt API key.
geocodingOptions Object {
sco: 'latlong',
kind: 'house'
Reverse geocoding request parameters
showMyLocationButton Boolean false If true, renders show my location button in top-right corner of the map
myLocationButtonPosition Style { position: 'absolute', top: 16, right: 16, } Style used to position container view with 'show my location' button inside it
renderMyLocationButton Function Use this to render custom 'show my location' button

Android-only props

The component exposes some Android-only props that control map UI:

  • showBuiltInScreenButtons: PropTypes.bool,
  • showFindMeButton: PropTypes.bool,
  • showJamsButton: PropTypes.bool,
  • showScaleView: PropTypes.bool,
  • showZoomButtons: PropTypes.bool,
  • interactive: PropTypes.bool,
  • hdMode: PropTypes.bool,


Event Name Returns Notes
onInteraction {latitude, longitude, latitudeDelta, longitudeDelta, type} Fired when user interacts with map.
On Android, interaction type is returned in type attribute, list of types can be found here
On iOS, this event is fired only at the end of interaction.
onGeocoding Objects Takes two arguments: the first one is in native Android format, the second one is full response from web service.


Method Name Arguments Notes
animateToCoordinate PropTypes.shape({latitude: PropTypes.number, longitude: PropTypes.number}) Animates map to given coordinate, or to user's current position if argument is undefined.

YandexMapKit API

Method Name Arguments Notes
setApiKey String Sets Yandex Map Kit API key for all map views you use. Call this before you mount your first map view.
requestGeocoding geocode: string, Required
options: object,
apikey: string
Helper method to call Yandex Geocoder, takes three arguments:
geocode - queried address string or coordinate,
options -well, options
apikey - Yandex Maps API key for geocoding requests, this is different from Yandex Map Kit key
Returns Promise which resolves with json
makeDebouncedGeocoding options: object
onComplete: function
apiKey: string
debounceWait: number
Convenience method to make Yandex Geocoder requests.
options - geocoder request options
onComplete - will be called with geocoder two arguments - first match in Android format, and full response
apiKey - same as for requestGeocoding
debounceWait - debouncing interval, defaults to 150 ms

Depending on options returns function that takes one argument - address, or two arguments - latitude and longitude (for reverse geocoding).


You can find it here

You'll need to create .env.development property file in example dir and put your YANDEXMAPKIT_API_KEY in it.


React-Native wrapper around Yandex Map Kit







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