Bullet journals (bujo) have recently become a popular phenomenon, a way to get organized but also to express yourself. People use them as sketch books, diaries, to-do lists, and more. A quick search for bujo on Instagram reveals how diverse and widespread they have become. You can read more about bullet journals here: bulletjournal.com
For those of us who are not naturally organized, it may be difficult to adjust and update a bujo on the daily. By making a digital version, users can be reminded to use their journals with the added convenience of being having a virtual journal: no need to buy or maintain a physical journal, integration with other useful tools like Google Calendar, and daily notifications to keep you accountable.
For this project, a complete virtual bullet journal is out of scope, but I will be attempting a prototype of one.
This application will store Users and their Pages, which will in turn contain Tasks, Events, and Notes:
- users can have multiple page (via embedding) and a choice of theme
- each page can have multiple items (by embedding)
An Example User:
username: "billjoebujo",
hash: // a password hash,
pages: [Page], // an array of Page documents
theme1: Boolean, //themes are Booleans to better work with Handlebars
theme2: Boolean
An Example Page with Example Embedded Items:
title: String
tasks: [
{content: "Plan vacation for summer", incomplete: true, inprog: false, completed: false}
{content: "Visit Ashley", incomplete: false, inprog: true, completed: true}
events: [
"May 3rd: 5th anniversary"
notes: [
"Noticed more beetles this year in the garden"
This is the full schema, feel free to hit history to see how much it has changed.
/ - page for navigation
/year - page for showing a year view
/year/month - page for showing a month view
/year/month/week - page for showing a week view
- as non-registered user, I can register a new account with the site
- as a user, I can log in to the site
- as a user, I can choose a theme for my site that suits my tastes
- as a user, I can add new note pages
- as a user, I can add tasks, events, and notes to each of my pages
- as a user, I can update my tasks to keep track of my progress
- (5 points) Integrate user authentication
- I'm going to be using passport for user authentication
- (3 points) Use a CSS framework throughout my site
- I'm going to create several Bootstrap themes and allow users to choose between theme
- My Bootstrap themes will have some customization and will be minified
8 points total out of 8 required points
Created an Express application with Handlebars as my templating library.
- passport.js authentication tutorial - (add link to source code that was based on this)