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Improve performance of Activator.CreateInstance #32520



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@GrabYourPitchforks GrabYourPitchforks commented Feb 19, 2020

Edit: ObjectFactory and UninitializedObjectFactory scrapped. This PR introduces no new API. See discussion in thread.

Contributes to #23716.

This is a very rough prototype of ObjectFactory and UninitializedObjectFactory, which allow fast codegen-free instantiation of arbitrary objects. It's primarily suited for DI and other scenarios where developers need to instantiate objects whose types aren't known until runtime but are required to do so with as minimal overhead as possible.

Historically, the way to instantiate such objects is to call Activator.CreateInstance or ConstructorInfo.Invoke. However, there is some overhead to this, as checks need to take place on each reflection API invocation. Some developers who need to eke out extra performance end up creating a DynamicMethod and hand-rolling a newobj instruction into the IL stream. This provides generally acceptable results, but it is tricky to get right, there's significant per-instantiation overhead due to spinning up the JIT, it's complex to debug issues in the code gen, and it doesn't work properly in environments where code gen is unavailable.

Note: These APIs have not yet been approved, as this is just an experimental PR to gauge general interest and to solicit feedback on the design and functionality.

General philosophy

Historically, most reflection APIs like Activator.CreateInstance and ConstructorInfo.Invoke perform checks on each method invocation. We can try to reduce the cost of these checks, but due to the nature of these APIs we'll never be able to remove the checks entirely.

The UninitializedObjectFactory and ObjectFactory APIs, on the other hand, perform all of their checks at construction time, not at invocation time. This means that it may be somewhat expensive to create the factory / dispenser itself, but once the factory is created it's very cheap to request a new instance from the factory. The intent is that these factories aren't used for one-off scenarios - callers should continue to use Activator.CreateInstance and ConstructorInfo.Invoke in such code paths. But in scenarios where the same type of object will be instantiated over and over again, it's very efficient to cache a single instance of the factory per-type and to query the cached instance whenever a new T instance is needed.


The UninitializedObjectFactory type is roughly equivalent to RuntimeHelpers.GetUninitializedObject. This instantiates the type without running any instance constructors. (Static constructors are still run.) Most applications should never need this, but it is useful for library authors building their own serialization or DI frameworks on top of this. The general pattern such library authors should follow is to use UninitializedObjectFactory to create a not-yet-constructed instance of target type T, then manually invoke the appropriate constructor on the newly-allocated instance.


The ObjectFactory type is roughly equivalent to Activator.CreateInstance<T>(). It allocates the type then calls the public, parameterless instance constructor. There are two main differences between ObjectFactory.CreateInstance and Activator.CreateInstance<T>():

  • If object construction fails, ObjectFactory.CreateInstance will not wrap the thrown exception within a TargetInvocationException. Activator.CreateInstance<T>() will wrap exceptions.
  • If T is a value type, ObjectFactory.CreateInstance will always return default(T). Activator.CreateInstance<T>() will call T's parameterless constructor if one exists; otherwise it returns default(T).

Potential consumers


if (realMethod == null)
LocalBuilder local = generator.DeclareLocal(type);
generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloca_S, local);
generator.Emit(OpCodes.Initobj, type);
generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, local);
generator.Emit(OpCodes.Box, type);
generator.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, realMethod);


dotnet/aspnetcore#14615 (though they're using TypeBuilder to work around this right now)

Other runtime + libraries

// Implemet the static factory
// public object Create(IDictionary<string, object>)
// {
// return new <ProxyClass>(dictionary);
// }
MethodBuilder factoryMethodBuilder = proxyTypeBuilder.DefineMethod(MetadataViewGenerator.MetadataViewFactoryName, MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.Static, typeof(object), CtorArgumentTypes);
ILGenerator factoryIL = factoryMethodBuilder.GetILGenerator();
factoryIL.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, proxyCtor);

Inner workings

A newobj instruction is logically two operations: (a) allocate a block of zero-inited memory, then (b) call the type's instance ctor over this block of memory. (UninitializedObjectFactory skips this second step.)

// C#
object o = new object();
newobj instance void [System.Private.CoreLib]System.Object::.ctor()
mov rcx, 0x12345678 ; method table pointer for System.Object
call <allocator> ; when this returns, rax := zero-inited object instance
mov rcx, rax
call System.Object::.ctor() ; essentially, a static method with signature (object @this) -> void

When using Activator.CreateInstance, the runtime uses a generic allocator that can handle many different scenarios for allocating an object whose type is known only at runtime. And while this generic allocator is flexible, there's significant overhead due to all the different checks it needs to perform.

On the other hand, when JITting a newobj instruction, since the JIT knows the destination type statically, it's able to choose from a variety of allocators whose implementations are optimized for various different scenarios. For example, there exists an allocator tailored for small, non-finalizable types. There exists a different allocator tailored for finalizable types. And there exists yet another allocator that's used when instrumentation is enabled.

When an [Uninitialized]ObjectFactory<T> instance is created, it queries the runtime for the address of the allocator that would have been used for an object of type T. All allocators share the signature (MethodTable*) -> O, so once the allocator address is determined we can perform the equivalent of the following IL in order to quickly allocate the object.

ldarg.0 // assume arg 0 = MethodTable* of destination type
ldarg.1 // assume arg1 = allocator function pointer
calli object(native int)

If we need to fully construct the object, then we further query the runtime for the address of the code that corresponds to the public parameterless ctor of type T. All public parameterless ctors on reference types share the signature (object) -> void, so once the ctor address is determined we can perform the equivalent of the following IL in order to quickly call the ctor.

ldarg.0 // assume arg 0 = return value from UninitializedObjectFactory.CreateUninitializedInstance()
ldarg.1 // assume arg 1 = public parameterless ctor function pointer
calli void(object)

Putting this all together, we get the following pseudo-codegen for ObjectFactory<T>.CreateInstance.

mov rcx, qword ptr [@this + <offset_to_methodtableptr_field>]
call qword ptr [@this + <offset_to_allocatorptr_field>]
mov rcx, rax
call qword ptr [@this + <offset_to_ctorptr_field>]


Below are preliminary numbers for various "create an object" scenarios. Calling new object() directly is the baseline.

Method Mean Ratio Scenario
DirectNewobj 4.011 ns 1.00 Calling new object() directly
DynamicMethodNewobj 5.527 ns 1.31 Calling a cached DynamicMethod whose IL stream reads newobj [object]; ret;
ObjectFactoryCreateInstance 4.937 ns 1.23 Calling a cached ObjectFactory<object>'s CreateInstance method

I've also experimented with plumbing this through the existing Activator.CreateInstance pipeline. The perf numbers are not as good as calling ObjectFactory.CreateInstance directly because there's still overhead to querying the static cache and performing any necessary checks, and there's some compat behavior such as TargetInvocationException wrapping that we can't avoid, but they still show a significant improvement over the baseline (master branch) Activator.CreateInstance numbers.

Method Toolchain Mean Error StdDev Ratio RatioSD
ActivatorCreateInstance master 40.55 ns 0.889 ns 1.156 ns 1.00 0.00
ActivatorCreateInstance objectfactory 14.54 ns 0.362 ns 0.303 ns 0.36 0.01
ActivatorCreateInstanceOfT master 42.17 ns 0.917 ns 1.581 ns 1.00 0.00
ActivatorCreateInstanceOfT objectfactory 16.86 ns 0.409 ns 0.613 ns 0.40 0.02

And for RuntimeHelpers.GetUninitializedObject(typeof(object)) vs. UninitializedObjectFactory<object>.CreateUninitializedInstance():

Method Mean Ratio
RH_GetUninitializedObject 40.377 ns 1.00
UninitializedObjectFactory 3.588 ns 0.09

Remaining work

  • Continue with code cleanup and testing edge cases like trying to instantiate arrays.
  • [cut, no new API right now] Support parameterful ctors; e.g., new T(IServiceProvider).
  • Convert the code to use calli support when it's natively available in C#.
  • [cut, no new API right now] Full API review.
  • [cut, no new API right now] Support for Mono + CoreRT.

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Note regarding the new-api-needs-documentation label:

This serves as a reminder for when your PR is modifying a ref *.cs file and adding/modifying public APIs, to please make sure the API implementation in the src *.cs file is documented with triple slash comments, so the PR reviewers can sign off that change.

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GrabYourPitchforks commented Feb 19, 2020

It should also be feasible to write codegen-less stubs for some Func<...>-based factory methods.

public static class ObjectFactory
    public static Func<T1, TObject> CreateFactory<TObject, T1>(ConstructorInfo ctor);
    public static Func<T1, T2, TObject> CreateFactory<TObject, T1, T2>(ConstructorInfo ctor);
    // ...
    public static Func<T1, T2, /* ..., */ T16, TObject> CreateFactory<TObject, T1, T2, /* ..., */ T16>(ConstructorInfo ctor);

I'm not quite sure at the moment how to support this pattern for arbitrary delegate types without involving codegen. In an ideal world I'd be able to expose a generic method as below.

public static class ObjectFactory
    public static TDelegate CreateFactory<TDelegate>(ConstructorInfo ctor) where TDelegate : delegate;

private delegate ICommonInterface CreationDelegate(int a, long b, string c);

CreationDelegate del = ObjectFactory.CreateFactory<CreationDelegate>(someConcreteType.GetConstructor(/* ... */));
ICommonInterface newlyCreatedObj = del(40, 0xdeadbeef, "hello!");

As long we we don't have pointers, refs, or byrefs in the delegate signature I could map this back to a Func<...> and get the appropriate mdtoken for the calli invocation. But as soon as pointers, refs, or byrefs are involved I can't guarantee an appropriate mdtoken can be found, so it could fail unexpectedly.

Edit: Pointers can be smuggled as IntPtr, so that shouldn't be a problem. Refs and byrefs are still a problem. It means we couldn't expose a delegate over the following ctor.

public class MyClass : ICommonInterface
    public MyClass(ReadOnlySpan<char> data);

private delegate ICommonInterface Factory(ReadOnlySpan<char> data);
Factory factory = ObjectFactory.CreateFactory<Factory>(/* some ConstructorInfo */); // fails at runtime

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rynowak commented Feb 19, 2020

This seems immensely valuable for ASP.NET Core (and I'm sure scores of other libraries), especially if we can get this include more arities, and more kinds of things beyond construction.

One more thing that I want to push onto your stack:

It should also be feasible to write codegen-less stubs for some Func<...>-based factory methods.

We end up needing this kind of thing a lot - BUT in the scenario where we can't write compile-time type-safe code. We end up with Func<object, object[], object> (reciever, args, retval) 😆. It's not really a huge performance problem because we've already written a lot of code to solve it, but it would greatly simplify a lot of our infrastructure if we could have simpler APIs that did the most optimal thing.

If we feel like these problems can only be solved adequately with build-time codegen, then it's possible that the things I'm mentioning here aren't super relevant.

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jkotas commented Feb 19, 2020

Potential consumers

Both examples are weakly typed (return object). What is the example for the strongly typed consumer of this?

build-time codegen

Right, build-time codegen is the most optimal thing for this.

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Both examples are weakly typed (return object). What is the example for the strongly typed consumer of this?

Possible scenario (though it would require API tweaks):

// calculate and cache these upfront
Type actualServiceType = environment.GetConcreteTypeForAbstraction(typeof(IMyService));
ObjectFactory<IMyService> factory = ObjectFactory.Create<IMyService>(actualServiceType);

// call this in a hot path, such as per-request
IMyService service = factory.CreateInstance();

Or, for an MVC-like framework's per-request processing logic:

Type controllerType = GetControllerTypeForCurrentRequest();
ObjectFactory<Controller> factory = s_factories[controllerType];
Controller controller = factory.CreateInstance();
Console.WriteLine(controller.GetType()); // could be AdminController, WeatherController, etc.

There's nothing stopping us from saying "ObjectFactory.CreateInstance always returns object, not T." But IMO there is something nice about an API that returns T instead of object, meaning you don't have to cast the return value and you don't have to worry about putting the wrong category of factory (ObjectFactory<IServiceA> vs. ObjectFactory<IServiceB>) into your static cache, etc.

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If we are designing a new activator-like API we should ensure linking and AOT scenarios needs are addressed.

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jkotas commented Feb 19, 2020

Possible scenario (though it would require API tweaks)

Once you tweak the API like this, you do not need the non-generic version. The non-generic version is equivalent to ObjectFactory<object>.

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I'm not actively working on this PR right now. Closing it here so that it doesn't distract the folks who maintain this repo. It's being tracked at GrabYourPitchforks#1 so it doesn't fall entirely off the radar.

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GrabYourPitchforks commented May 10, 2020

Rewrote the prototype using the C# native function pointers feature. Here's the codegen for ObjectFactory.CreateInstance routine. It could do with some slightly more efficient register shuffling, but that's just a minor nit.

00007ffd`7410d030 57              push    rdi    ; prolog
00007ffd`7410d031 56              push    rsi
00007ffd`7410d032 4883ec28        sub     rsp,28h
00007ffd`7410d036 488bf1          mov     rsi,rcx
00007ffd`7410d039 488b4618        mov     rax,qword ptr [rsi+18h]    ; rax := pfnNewHelper
00007ffd`7410d03d 488b4e10        mov     rcx,qword ptr [rsi+10h]    ; rcx := pMT
00007ffd`7410d041 ffd0            call    rax
00007ffd`7410d043 488bf8          mov     rdi,rax
00007ffd`7410d046 488b4620        mov     rax,qword ptr [rsi+20h]    ; rax := pfnParameterlessCtor
00007ffd`7410d04a 488bcf          mov     rcx,rdi    ; rcx := return value from pfnNewHelper
00007ffd`7410d04d ffd0            call    rax
00007ffd`7410d04f 488bc7          mov     rax,rdi    ; rax := fully initialized object instance
00007ffd`7410d052 4883c428        add     rsp,28h    ; epilog
00007ffd`7410d056 5e              pop     rsi
00007ffd`7410d057 5f              pop     rdi
00007ffd`7410d058 c3              ret

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And here are the perf results from the latest prototype, taking everybody's feedback into account. The first number shows a significant boost to Activator.CreateInstance(Type, bool), caused by replumbing the internal ActivatorCache type through these new code paths.

Method Toolchain Mean Error StdDev Ratio RatioSD
Activator.CreateInstance master 32.349 ns 0.2468 ns 0.1927 ns 1.00 0.00
Activator.CreateInstance proto 11.759 ns 0.2967 ns 0.2775 ns 0.36 0.01

The second number compares the cost of invoking a factory to perform activation. In the first row, the Func<T> has been generated from using a DynamicMethod whose implementation is to newobj the hardcoded target type. In the second row, the factory has been created via Activator.CreateFactory<T>(). These tests don't measure the initial cost of creating the factory; only the cost of invoking them.

Scenario Mean Error StdDev Ratio RatioSD
From DynamicMethod 4.220 ns 0.0866 ns 0.0811 ns 1.00 0.00
From Activator.CreateFactory(Type, ...) 4.689 ns 0.0621 ns 0.0518 ns 1.11 0.03

This shows that the difference is less than half a nanosecond. Since the factory returned by Activator.CreateFactory(...) doesn't spin up the JIT or involve codegen (beyond what the app itself would have done), it's appropriate for high-performance / fast-startup scenarios.

And just in case people were interested in how long it takes to compile a DynamicMethod vs. call Activator.CreateFactory(...), here are the results. I wouldn't put too much weight on them since this isn't something applications will be doing over and over again - the idea is to cache these. But they're interesting nonetheless.

Scenario Mean Error StdDev Ratio
Create and compile a DynamicMethod 4,602.3 ns 87.50 ns 166.48 ns 1.00
Call Activator.CreateFactory 184.1 ns 2.31 ns 2.16 ns 0.04

- Eliminates ObjectFactory<T> except when caller explicitly wants a Func<T>
- Uses C# 9.0 function pointers to avoid introducing new JIT intrinsics
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GrabYourPitchforks commented May 11, 2020

I reopened this because it's actively being worked on. Still not ready for review because of build failures, lack of support for C# 9.0 language features, and no mono integration yet. It hasn't gone through more than basic smoke testing yet.

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A status update - I'm still working on this but keep running into issues where the linker either crashes or trims a method which is clearly statically reachable. Trying to work around those before sending up a new iteration. Meanwhile I've reduced the scope of the work so that it's not adding any new APIs in the 5.0 timeframe.

- Remove new public APIs
- Remove most new native APIs
- Plumb GetUninitializedObject atop new native code paths
- Use actual builds from arcade
@GrabYourPitchforks GrabYourPitchforks marked this pull request as ready for review July 8, 2020 06:04
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I think all pending PR feedback is addressed, including [largely] restoring the original unmanaged method for GetUninitializedObject, removing the IsNullable helper and related support APIs that were added, and removing all MethodInfo* awareness from the managed side.

The file was also renamed as part of this, so I'm hoping GitHub's diff tool can correctly highlight only the lines that changed.

There was some earlier feedback about debug assertions. I currently have an assertion in each of the APIs ActivatorCache.GetUninitializedObject and ActivatorCache.RunConstructor because an external caller (Activator) is responsible for providing input parameters to these methods, and it seemed prudent to validate that the arguments were valid. If these checks aren't worthwhile I can delete them.

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@jkotas jkotas left a comment

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Looks great! Thank you

Co-authored-by: Jan Kotas <>
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Intermediate commit applied only your suggestions without my fixes to balance out braces, etc. Should be good now.

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jkotas commented Nov 26, 2020


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GrabYourPitchforks commented Nov 26, 2020

Test failing due to the newly-added asserts:

    Interop\COM\ComWrappers\GlobalInstance\GlobalInstanceMarshallingTests\GlobalInstanceMarshallingTests.cmd [FAIL]
      Process terminated. Assertion failed.
      Caller passed an unexpected 'this' parameter to ctor - possible type safety violation.
      Expected type: System.__ComObject
      Actual type: ComWrappersTests.GlobalInstance.Program+FakeWrapper
         at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceDefaultCtor(Boolean publicOnly, Boolean skipCheckThis, Boolean fillCache, Boolean wrapExceptions)
         at System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type, Boolean nonPublic, Boolean wrapExceptions)
         at System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type)
         at ComWrappersTests.GlobalInstance.Program.ValidateNativeServerActivation() in /__w/1/s/src/tests/Interop/COM/ComWrappers/GlobalInstance/GlobalInstance.cs:line 391
         at ComWrappersTests.GlobalInstance.Program.ValidateComActivation(Boolean validateUseRegistered) in /__w/1/s/src/tests/Interop/COM/ComWrappers/GlobalInstance/GlobalInstance.cs:line 380
         at ComWrappersTests.GlobalInstance.Program.Main(String[] doNotUse) in /__w/1/s/src/tests/Interop/COM/ComWrappers/GlobalInstance/GlobalInstance.Marshalling.cs:line 35

Trying to figure out whether the assert indicates a real problem or whether the assert should be removed.

Edit: looks like the runtime behavior is intentional due to the presence of a custom COM marshaler in the sample app.

protected override object CreateObject(IntPtr externalComObject, CreateObjectFlags flag)
if (ReturnInvalid)
return null;
Guid[] iids = {
for (var i = 0; i < iids.Length; i++)
var iid = iids[i];
IntPtr comObject;
int hr = Marshal.QueryInterface(externalComObject, ref iid, out comObject);
if (hr == 0)
return new FakeWrapper(comObject);
return null;

I think it's best to remove the assert.

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@jkotas Do you suppose there's any benefit to eagerly JITting the ctor before we obtain its fnptr? We're about to turn around and invoke it anyway, so may as well get the fnptr directly to the target method rather than to the prestub?

Perhaps this would make more sense for the Func<object?> scenario, since if somebody is caching an activator delegate then they reasonably expect to invoke it over and over and over again.

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jkotas commented Nov 26, 2020

Do you suppose there's any benefit to eagerly JITting the ctor before we obtain its fnptr?

There is still going to be an extra indirection by default because of tiered JIT and other features like profiler rejit.

We pay for these indirections in many other places. The way to fix them is to register the place where the function pointer is stored for backpatching. e.g. the backpatching would have to aware of &_pfnCtor and keep updating as new version of the method gets produced. It is complex to do. We do it only for the hottest indirections like vtable slots.

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jkotas commented Nov 26, 2020

Any reasons for still having NO MERGE label? I think this is good to merge.

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Nah. I'll remove the label and merge in just a sec. Wanted to go over it with Steve early next week once the holiday is finished, but honestly any extra feedback can go in as a follow up PR.

Thank you again for your patience and for sharing your expertise. :)

@GrabYourPitchforks GrabYourPitchforks removed the NO-MERGE The PR is not ready for merge yet (see discussion for detailed reasons) label Nov 26, 2020
@GrabYourPitchforks GrabYourPitchforks merged commit ffa24bd into dotnet:master Nov 26, 2020
@GrabYourPitchforks GrabYourPitchforks deleted the fast_createinstance branch November 26, 2020 07:33
@GrabYourPitchforks GrabYourPitchforks changed the title Refactor Activator.CreateInstance and RuntimeHelpers.GetUninitObject to a common code path Improve performance of Activator.CreateInstance Nov 26, 2020
Comment on lines +51 to +69
catch (Exception ex)
// Exception messages coming from the runtime won't include
// the type name. Let's include it here to improve the
// debugging experience for our callers.

string friendlyMessage = SR.Format(SR.Activator_CannotCreateInstance, rt, ex.Message);
switch (ex)
case ArgumentException: throw new ArgumentException(friendlyMessage);
case PlatformNotSupportedException: throw new PlatformNotSupportedException(friendlyMessage);
case NotSupportedException: throw new NotSupportedException(friendlyMessage);
case MethodAccessException: throw new MethodAccessException(friendlyMessage);
case MissingMethodException: throw new MissingMethodException(friendlyMessage);
case MemberAccessException: throw new MemberAccessException(friendlyMessage);

throw; // can't make a friendlier message, rethrow original exception
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Is this better than, say:

catch (ArgumentException e) { throw new ArgumentException(CreateFriendlyMessage(rt, e)); }
catch (PlatformNotSupportedException e) { throw new PlatformNotSupportedException(CreateFriendlyMessage(rt, e)); }
... // etc.

? I realize the above is probably a bit more IL, but it also means you won't catch and rethrow if the exception didn't match one of the special-cased types. I don't know how common that will be.

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@GrabYourPitchforks GrabYourPitchforks Dec 1, 2020

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Not ignoring this, but leaving this thread marked unresolved for now because I think we can address it as part of #36194.

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@GrabYourPitchforks the improvement has been confirmed in DrewScoggins/performance-2#3541

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