A really tiny and experimental UI library that packs a handful of styles and ReactJS components. Documented with Storybook and deployed using GitHub Pages and GitHub Actions. Interact with the live project here!
Tools used:
- Typescript
- ReactJS
- Vite
- Storybook
- TailwindCSS
- Radix UI
- Storybook Deployer
- GitHub Actions
- GitHub Pages
- Figma
Components and styles preview in Figma.
Log in UI pattern live preview in Storybook.
- Navigate to an application root directory and install the dependencies running
npm install
- Run Storybook with
npm run storybook
- Run the application with
npm run dev
Check out package.json for more scripts.
- This project is purely a practical exercise intended for developing and/or showcasing my skills in the tools/techniques/concepts mentioned above. It's not meant to be a complete production-ready solution. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or simply want to chat about it!
- This exercise was built following lessons by Rocketseat. It may or may not have been adapted/redesigned by me.