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sqlpp11gen is a c++ table class generator for sqlpp11.

There are two ways to use this gem. One way is to install it as a gem which needs to run in command line, the other one is to use the sourcce code in your rails app directly, which allows you to navigate in a client-side web browser.


Install it (the gem way)

Include the following line in the Gemfile of your Rails app.

gem "sqlpp11gen"

You can put it under the :development group.

And then run "bundle install" to install it.

Manual install (use the source code directly)

(1) downlod the source code and copy app folder to the app folder of your Rails project. Make sure the following files exist in your project:


(2) add a route in config/routes.rb

# config/routes.rb
resources :cxxes

(3) register a new MIME type in config/initializers/mime_types.rb

# config/initializers/mime_types.rb
Mime::Type.register "text/plain", :h

That's it! Now ignite your rails app!


create a table

Let's create a table named 'Product'. You can skip this step if there are some tables already available in your Rails project.

$ rails g scaffold Product name:string price:decimal
$ rake db:migrate

Start the server if you installed the source code of this gem.

$ rails s    # optional, start the web server 

Generate code in command line

Make sure the current directory is in the home of your Rails app.

  1. Run without any parameters to show usage message.
$ rails g sqlpp11gen:tab
  rails generate sqlpp11gen:tab NAME [OUTPUT_PATH] [FILENAME_PREFIX] [FILENAME_EXT] [options]
  • The NAME is necessary, it's the table name you want to generate code from.
  • OUTPUT_PATH allows you to specify the output path for the generated code. The default path is 'app/cxxes'.
  • FILENAME_PREFIX allows you to append a filename prefix. The default one is 'tab_'.
  • FILENAME_EXT allows you to choose the filename ext. The default one is 'hpp'.
  1. Run with one parameter
$ rails g sqlpp11gen:tab product
   created  app/cxxes/tab_product.hpp
  1. Run with all parameters
$ rails g sqlpp11gen:tab product public/cxxes dom_ h
   created  public/cxxes/dom_product.h

Now, you can use the generated files.

Generate code in web browser

Assume that a 'users' table already exists, browse 'http://localhost:3000/cxxes.h'.

If not, browse 'http://localhost:3000/cxxes.h?model=YourModelName'.

e.g. for Product model, browse 'http://localhost:3000/cxxes.h?model=Product'.

The output will be:

// WARNING; don't change this file manually. This file is generated by sqlpp11gen!

#include <sqlpp11/table.h>
#include <sqlpp11/char_sequence.h>
#include <sqlpp11/column_types.h>

// table: Product
// fields: 5
//   id                             integer    false      integer
//   name                           string     true       varchar
//   price                          decimal    true       decimal
//   created_at                     datetime   false      datetime
//   updated_at                     datetime   false      datetime

namespace TabProduct_ {
  struct Id {
    struct _alias_t {
      static constexpr const char _literal[] = "id";
      using _name_t = sqlpp::make_char_sequence<sizeof(_literal), _literal>;
      template <typename T>
      struct _member_t {
        T id;
        T& operator()() { return id; }
        const T& operator()() const { return id; }
    using _traits = sqlpp::make_traits<sqlpp::integer>;
  struct Name {
    struct _alias_t {
      static constexpr const char _literal[] = "name";
      using _name_t = sqlpp::make_char_sequence<sizeof(_literal), _literal>;
      template <typename T>
      struct _member_t {
        T name;
        T& operator()() { return name; }
        const T& operator()() const { return name; }
    using _traits = sqlpp::make_traits<sqlpp::varchar, sqlpp::tag::can_be_null>;
  struct Price {
    struct _alias_t {
      static constexpr const char _literal[] = "price";
      using _name_t = sqlpp::make_char_sequence<sizeof(_literal), _literal>;
      template <typename T>
      struct _member_t {
        T price;
        T& operator()() { return price; }
        const T& operator()() const { return price; }
    using _traits = sqlpp::make_traits<sqlpp::floating_point, sqlpp::tag::can_be_null>;
  struct CreatedAt {
    struct _alias_t {
      static constexpr const char _literal[] = "created_at";
      using _name_t = sqlpp::make_char_sequence<sizeof(_literal), _literal>;
      template <typename T>
      struct _member_t {
        T created_at;
        T& operator()() { return created_at; }
        const T& operator()() const { return created_at; }
    using _traits = sqlpp::make_traits<sqlpp::time_point>;
  struct UpdatedAt {
    struct _alias_t {
      static constexpr const char _literal[] = "updated_at";
      using _name_t = sqlpp::make_char_sequence<sizeof(_literal), _literal>;
      template <typename T>
      struct _member_t {
        T updated_at;
        T& operator()() { return updated_at; }
        const T& operator()() const { return updated_at; }
    using _traits = sqlpp::make_traits<sqlpp::time_point>;
} // namespace TabProduct_

struct TabProduct : sqlpp::table_t<TabProduct
       , TabProduct_::Id 
       , TabProduct_::Name 
       , TabProduct_::Price 
       , TabProduct_::CreatedAt 
       , TabProduct_::UpdatedAt 
  using _value_type = sqlpp::no_value_t;
  struct _alias_t {
    static constexpr const char _literal[] = "products";
    using _name_t = sqlpp::make_char_sequence<sizeof(_literal), _literal>;
    template <typename T>
    struct _member_t {
      T tabProduct;
      T& operator()() { return tabProduct; }
      const T& operator()() const { return tabProduct; }

struct ProductData {
  ProductData() : id(0), price(0.0f) {}
  std::int64_t                     id                       ; // false      integer
  std::string                      name                     ; // true       varchar
  double                           price                    ; // true       decimal
  sqlpp::chrono::microsecond_point created_at               ; // false      datetime
  sqlpp::chrono::microsecond_point updated_at               ; // false      datetime


Now, copy and paste the code!


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at[USERNAME]/sqlpp11gen. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


A c++ table class generator for sqlpp11.



Code of conduct





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