Intended to provide better shell output to Javascript object parsing, turning a whitespace-delimited table (such as ps aux) returns, into an array of Javascript objects, each object keyed on column headers, using row values. for the idea and outline for this README (but not for the implementation). I tried it first and found it buggy so decided to make a better one from scratch.
You can install this library through NPM:
npm install node-column-parser
columnParser(shellOutput, options);
: the string resulting from running your commandoptions
: Currently an optional empty object which will contain a headers object on return
Execute a process, get its output and then simply feed it to the parser:
var columnParser=require("node-column-parser");
var util=require('util');
const exec = require('child_process').exec;
exec('ps u', (error, stdout, stderr) => {
if (error) {
console.error(`exec error: ${error}`);
var options={};
var rows=columnParser(stdout, options);
console.log(`stderr: ${stderr}`);
Execution results:
WarrenMac:node-column-parser warren.downs$ node pstest.js
[ { USER: 'warren.downs',
PID: '84777',
'%CPU': '0.0',
'%MEM': '0.2',
VSZ: '057464',
RSS: '9848',
TT: 's000',
STAT: 'R+',
STARTED: '4:49PM',
TIME: '0:00.08',
COMMAND: 'node pstest.js' },
{ USER: 'warren.downs',
PID: '84320',
'%CPU': '0.0',
'%MEM': '0.0',
VSZ: '463084',
RSS: '1592',
TT: 's001',
STAT: 'S+',
STARTED: '4:05PM',
TIME: '0:00.01',
COMMAND: '-bash' },
{ USER: 'warren.downs',
PID: '14166',
'%CPU': '0.0',
'%MEM': '0.0',
VSZ: '463084',
RSS: '980',
TT: 's000',
STAT: 'S',
STARTED: '12Jul16',
TIME: '0:01.02',
COMMAND: '-bash' } ]
[ { header: 'USER', start: 0, end: 3, ltr: true },
{ header: 'PID', start: 13, end: 17, ltr: false },
{ header: '%CPU', start: 20, end: 23, ltr: false },
{ header: '%MEM', start: 25, end: 28, ltr: false },
{ header: 'VSZ', start: 32, end: 37, ltr: false },
{ header: 'RSS', start: 41, end: 44, ltr: false },
{ header: 'TT', start: 46, end: 49, ltr: false },
{ header: 'STAT', start: 52, end: 55, ltr: true },
{ header: 'STARTED', start: 57, end: 63, ltr: false },
{ header: 'TIME', start: 67, end: 73, ltr: false },
{ header: 'COMMAND', start: 75, end: 80, ltr: true } ]
Changing e.g. "ps u" to "ps aux" turns e.g.
warren.downs 432 0.4 2.2 2895776 181368 ?? S 11Jul16 43:30.62 /Applications/Google Drive
{ USER: 'warren.downs',
PID: '432',
'%CPU': '0.4',
'%MEM': '2.2',
VSZ: '2895776',
RSS: '181368',
TT: '??',
STAT: 'S',
STARTED: '11Jul16',
TIME: '43:30.62',
COMMAND: '/Applications/Google Drive' },
As long as the headers line up in a tabular manner, or the space-containing command line is the last column in the table, parsing should work fine.
Parsing basically replicates how a human would visually scan a whitespace-delimited table. The column headers give a starting point for the table columns, and scanning the entire table tells us whether a column is right or left aligned.
If the rightmost character in a row below a column header area is always non-blank, as well as the leftmost character, and the one to it's left, then the column is definitely right-aligned (see e.g. VSZ, RSS, and TIME, above).
If there's not enough data to tell, then it doesn't matter (see PID, TT). In the above example, %CPU and %MEM are technically right-aligned but this algorithm doesn't care unless the values expand to the left beyond the header's starting column.
If a column is right-aligned expanding to the left, the actual starting point of the left-most data of a column in any row, is used for all the data rows.