A tool to integrate the iPython notebooks, ROOT and jsROOT. This tool is an add-on to pyROOT and is still in the prototype phase.
- Get ROOT6, set it up.
- Get iPython, at least version 3.
- Clone the repository
- Type "ipython notebook"
from ROOTaaS.iPyROOT import ROOT
h = ROOT.TH1F("h","iPython Histo;X;Y",64,-4,4)
- %%cpp for marking a cell for C++
- %%dcl for marking a cell for declaring C++ (e.g. for functions)
- ROOT.toCpp() to move from Python to C++
- toPython() to move from C++ to Python
- .decl for marking a cell for declaring C++ (e.g. for functions) in C++ mode (as %%dcl)