A simple demo of mikasa using iTunes Api: Demo
A simple wrapper for server side rendering isomorphic react. It uses Koa.js as webserver, Redux, Redux-thunk and React-router for routing.
This is the code from the example:
import initialState from '/store/default'
import reducer from '/reducers'
import Layout from '/components/layout'
import routes from '/routes'
import ITunesProxy from '/routes/itunes'
import { fetchFeaturedSongs } from '/actions/songs'
const mikasa = require('mikasa')
const app = new mikasa()
app.addNativeRoute('get', '/api', ITunesProxy)
path: '/public',
local: './public',
options: {
gzip: true,
initialState: initialState,
reducer: reducer
app.addPromise((ctx, Store, _) => {
return [
const PORT = process.env.PORT || 3000
For routing react components use the 'addRoute' method it can accept an array or a route.
path: '/',
exact: true,
component: Home,
loadData: (ctx, Store, shared) => {
return [ ArrayOfPromises ],
Routes are based on routes from react-router, they must be specified as an array of objects that must contain the following attributes.
Parameters | Type | Description |
path | String | The route path, for example: /about |
exact | Boolean | Exact parameter from react-router |
component | React Component | The component that will be rendered for that route |
loadData | Function | A function used for doing asynchronus actions before the render of the component. It must return a promise or an array of promises. The function takes three parameters: The context parameter from koa that contains the request, the redux store object for the dispatches before the render and a shared object. |
To add statics use the 'addStatic' method. Just like the routes, you can pass an object or an array of objects.
path: '/public',
local: './public',
options: {
gzip: true,
The static object must contain the following attributes. It's based on koa-static package.
Parameters | Type | Description |
path | String | The path that will be used in browser, for exmaple: /public |
local | String | The path to folder containing the static files. |
options | Object | This object is used as options for koa-static. example: { gzip: true } |
To set the redux store use the 'setStore' method. The store will be passed to the client application.
initialState: initialState,
reducer: reducer
The store object is used to create the redux storage on the backend. It must contain the following attributes:
Parameters | Type | Description |
reducer | Function | It can be a simple reducer or a combined reducer. |
initialState | Object | This will be used as initialState for the redux. |
For the the browser usage import mikasa/dist/browser. The configuration object is similar to the server one and it must contain the following attributes:
Parameters | Type | Description |
reducer | Function | It can be a simple reducer or a combined reducer. |
routes | Array | An Array of Route Objects. |
layout | React Component | The React Component that will be used as layout. |
import mikasa from 'mikasa/dist/browser'
import reducer from '/reducers'
import routes from '/routes'
import layout from '/components/layout'
reducer: reducer,
routes: routes,
layout: layout,