Releases: dpscience/DLTPulseGenerator
Releases · dpscience/DLTPulseGenerator
DLTPulseGenerator v1.5
DLTPulseGenerator v1.4
- pulse height spectra (PHS) from real data or generated by Geant4 can be incorporated, so that effects on the background contributing to the lifetime spectra with regard to the PHS window settings can be studied on more realistic data.
DLTPulseGenerator v1.3
- this library was modified to allow the simulation of additional hardware influences mainly originating from the parts of the A/D converter such as baseline-offset jitter, random noise, fixed pattern and random aperture jitters on the time axis and the digitization depth [bit]
DLTPulseGenerator v1.2
- this library was modified to allow the simulation of lifetime spectra consisting of non-Gaussian distributed and linearly combined Instrument Response Functions for the PDS A/B and MU
DLTPulseGenerator v1.1
- this library was extended to provide the simulation of lifetime spectra consisting of distributed specific lifetimes
DLTPulseGenerator v1.0
First (1st.) official release of library DLTPulseGenerator
- lifetime spectra simulation based on detector-output pulses (e.g. photomultipier, APD, diode signals)
- simulations of lifetimes consisting of discrete specific lifetimes