- NerdTree - nice tree-view file browsing [F2]
- CtrlP - For fuzzy searching files
- Gundo - undo history management [F5]
- Tagbar - easily browse through a programs structure [F9]
- Supertab - tab-complete anything you have used in the curent buffer
- Fugitive - built in Git management
- Syntastic - syntax checking and correction helpers for most major languages
- Vim-Indent-Guides - easily see indentions. Customized to match Solarized
- Vundle - for easily managing plugins
- Other various helper plugins to aid programming as I find them useful
Clone .vim directory
git clone ~/.vim
Install Vundle
cd ~/.vim git submodule update --init
Install dummy vimrc file
echo "runtime vimrc" > ~/.vimrc
Install Rest of Plugins
vim +PluginInstall +qall