Code for the ASP.NET Community Stand-up site.
Staging -
Production -
To run the site locally with live data and login, you'll need some configuration values in your user secrets store. If the values aren't found, hard-coded YouTube sample data will be used, and the next show details will be saved to the root of the app in a JSON file.
To enable sign-in to the Admin page, you'll need configuration values in your secret store for an Azure AD endpoint,
plus you'll need to update the Authorization
section of config.json
to list the usernames of the Azure AD accounts
you want to allow.
To configure the secret values, use the user-secret
command, e.g.:
dnu commands install Microsoft.Framework.SecretManager
user-secret set AppSettings:YouTubeApiKey <app-server-key>
user-secret set AppSettings:AzureStorageConnectionString <azure-storage-connection-string>
user-secret set Authentication:AzureAd:ClientId <azure-ad-client-id>
user-secret set Authentication:AzureAd:AADInstance <azure-ad-instance-url>
user-secret set Authentication:AzureAd:TenantId <azure-ad-tenant-id>
user-secret set Authentication:AzureAd:Domain <azure-ad-domain-name>
user-secret set Authentication:AzureAd:PostLogoutRedirectUri "https://localhost:44300/"