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An interface for DRES, meant to be used in Unity.

Usage / Installation

This is a upm package, add it through the Unity Package Manager as a package from git using the URL or directly by adding the following to your manifest.json for latest version:

"dev.dres.unityclient": ""


This package requires a config file, dresapi.json to be located either at

The configuration file contains vital information about DRES:

"host": "",
"port": 443,
"tls": true,
"user": "username",
"password": "password"
  • host: the host address of the DRES instance, either an IP or name (defaults to localhost)
  • port: the port of the DRES instance (defaults to 8080)
  • tls: whether to use tls or not, i.e. the API calls will be https with true, false otherwise (defaults to false)
  • user: the DRES user name (+)
  • password: the DRES user passwor (+)

(+): Could be omitted and provided in a separate file (credentials.json), as a sibling to the config file:



For development, clone this repository into a directory dev.dres.unityclient inside the Packages directory of the Unity project you want to develop in.

$> git clone dev.dres.unityclient

And subsequently (re-) generate the client libraries:

$> gradlew clean deploy

For developers, it might be necessary to re-open the unity project multiple times, until the pre-checks are okay.
