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L8D edited this page Oct 10, 2014 · 5 revisions


Is a many to many relationship (includes join table).
Eg: Patient.hasMany('doctors', Doctor, { why: String }, { reverse: 'patients', key: true }).
Patient can have many different doctors. Each doctor can have many different patients.

This will create a join table patient_doctors when you call Patient.sync():

column name type
patient_id Integer
doctor_id Integer
why varchar(255)

The following functions will be available:

// Get the list of associated doctors
patient.getDoctors(function(err, doctors) {
  // ...

// Add entries to the join table
patient.addDoctors([phil, bob], function(err) {
  // ...

// Remove existing entries in join table and add new ones
patient.setDoctors([phil, nephewOfBob], function(err) {
  // ...

// Checks if patient is associated to specified doctors
patient.hasDoctors([bob], function(err, patientHasBobAsADoctor) {
  // because that is a totally legit and descriptive variable name
  if (patientHasBobAsADoctor) {
    // ...
  } else {
    // ...

// Remove specific entries from the join table
patient.removeDoctors([bob], function(err) {
  // ...

// And all of the doctor's have their own methods for selecting patients!
bob.getPatients(function(err, patients) {
  if (patients.indexOf(you) !== -1) {
    // woot!
  } else {
    // ...

// and so on and so forth

To associate a doctor to a patient:

patient.addDoctor(surgeon, {why: 'remove appendix'}, function(err) {
  // ...

// or...
surgeon.addPatient(patient, {why: 'remove appendix'}, function(err) {
  // ...

which will add {patient_id: 4, doctor_id: 6, why: "remove appendix"} to the join table.


  name,       // String. Association name
  otherModel, // Model. The model we're association to
  extraProps, // Object. Extra properties that will appear on the join table
  opts        // Object. Options for the association


option name type description
autoFetch Boolean Default: false. If true, association will be automatically fetched with parent.
autoFetchLimit Number Default: 1. How many levels deep to auto fetch
key Boolean Default: false (for historical reasons). If true, foreign key columns in the table will form a composite key.
mergeTable String Custom name for the merge table
mergeId String Custom name for column referencing this model
mergeAssocId String Custom name for column referencing other model
reverse String Default: false. If true, association will be accessible from the other model with the specified name.
getAccessor String Default: 'get' + Name. Allows overwriting associating accessor.
setAccessor String Default: 'set' + Name. Allows overwriting associating accessor.
hasAccessor String Default: 'has' + Name. Allows overwriting associating accessor.
delAccessor String Default: 'del' + Name. Allows overwriting associating accessor.
addAccessor String Default: 'add' + Name. Allows overwriting associating accessor.
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