Provides a set data structure for Go.
A set can be instantiated from any comparable type.
The current implementation of set
is not concurrency safe, although this addition is welcome / will be added as I continue to develop.
mySet := set.NewSet[int]()
// alternatively, from a slice
// mySet := NewSetFromSlice[int]([]int{1, 2})
// Remove 2 from set
// Check if set contains 1
mySet.Contains(1) // true
mySet.Contains(2) // false
// Length of set
mySet.Len() // 1
// Clear the set
mySet.Len() // 0
// Pop an arbitrary element from the set
mySet.Pop() // 0
a := mySet.Pop() // 1, 1 is removed from set
setA := set.NewSet[int]()
setB := set.NewSet[int]()
setC := setA.Union(setB) // {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
setD := setA.Intersect(setB) // {3}
setE := setA.Difference(setB) // {1, 2}
setF := setA.SymmetricDifference(setB) // {1, 2, 4, 5}
setA := set.NewSet[int]()
setB := set.NewSet[int]()
// Checks if setA is a subset of setB (setA ⊆ setB)
setA.IsSubset(setB) // true
// Checks if setA is a superset of setB (setA ⊇ setB)
setA.IsSuperset(setB) // false
// Checks if setA is disjoint from setB (setA ∩ setB = ∅)
setA.IsDisjoint(setB) // false
// Checks if setA is equal to setB (setA == setB)
setA.IsEqual(setB) // false
// Checks if setA is empty (|setA| = 0)
setA.IsEmpty() // false
// Converts setA to a slice, arbitrary order
setA.ToSlice() // []int{3}
// Copies setA to a new set
setC := setA.Copy() // {3}
// String representation of setA
setA.String() // "{3}"
setA := set.NewSet[string]()
lenThree := func(s string) bool {
return len(s) == 3
// Filter setA by lenThree
setB := setA.Filter(lenThree) // {"cat", "dog"}
// Map setA to a new set
setC := setA.Map(func(s string) string {
return s + "s"
}) // {"cats", "dogs", "fishs"}
// Reduce setA to a single value
setD := setA.Reduce(func(s1, s2 string) string {
return s1 + s2
}) // "catdogfish"
// Check if all elements in setA satisfy a predicate
setA.All(func(s string) bool {
return len(s) > 1
}) // true
// Check if any elements in setA satisfy a predicate
setA.Any(func(s string) bool {
return len(s) > 3
}) // true
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