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Nicholas Penree edited this page Mar 2, 2022 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the homebridge-tidbyt wiki!



How are you running this plugin?

I’m running Homebridge on a Raspberry Pi 4 using the official image based on Raspbian.

How do you install Pixlet on the Raspberry Pi?

First, determine if you are on a 32-bit or 64-bit operating system. From the command line, run uname -m. If you get a response like arm64, you're on 64-bit. If you see something like armv6l or armv7l, you're running on 32-bit.

If you are on a 64-bit Linux distribution for your Pi, you can use the official arm64 binary provided by Tidby:

If you are on running 32-bit, you'll need to install Go and build Pixlet from source following these steps:

  1. To download the latest stable Go for 32-bit arm, run:
> curl -L$(curl -s | grep '/ref' | sed -e '/beta/ d' -e '/rc/ d' -e 's/.*\(go[0-9.]*\).*/\1/' | tail -1).linux-armv6l.tar.gz | sudo tar -xzC /usr/local
  1. With Go & Node.js installed, we can now install the Pixlet dependencies:
> sudo apt update && sudo apt install git libwebp-dev -y
  1. Now, clone the Pixlet source code:
> git clone
  1. And finally, build from source:
> cd pixlet && \ 
  npm install && \
  npm run build && \
  PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin GOPATH=$HOME/golang make build
  1. Move the built pixlet binary to /usr/local/bin (which is in the $PATH):
> sudo mv pixlet /usr/local/bin/