This is a C++ addon to nodejs to interface with the spread C API to provide a high performance binding to the spread toolkit (see It contains a thin abstraction called SpreadSession which provides an event based interface where the end user supplies a set of callbacks to handle various events.
Build & Install:
You must first have the spread toolkit built and installed. The binding.gpy expects the spread to be installed in the /usr/local/lib directory. Next you can build the addon by executing the following
cd node-cspread node-gyp build sudo node-gyp install
See the unittest function in spread.js as a usage example.
SpreadSession( daemon_address /* 4803@localhost*/, uniqueName /* system wide unique name like a UUID */, success /* callback function executed when connected */, failure /* called if we can't connect */ );
If successful in connecting to the spread daemon, the success function above is called with an instance of a spread session object. Inside this function the user can join message groups and setup callbacks to handle events
function success( session ) { session.join( “group name” ); session.dataHandler = function( group, sender, data ){ console.log( group + "," + sender + "," + data ); }; session.memberJoinedGroup = function( group, sender ) { // detect when a new process has join a group // group: name of the spread group // sender: process uniqueName }; session.memberLeftGroup = function( group, sender ) { // detect when a member has left a message group }; // these are error conditions session.leaveCausedByNetwork = function( group, sender ) { // network outage caused a member to leave }; session.leaveCausedByDisconnect = function( group, sender ) { // process lost connection to spread (process crash message). }; session.onDisconnect = function( errorText ) { // we just lost our connection to spread. }; session.onError = function( errorText ) { // general error event }; // to send a message to other groups session.multicast( session.SAFE_MESS, session.SELF_DISCARD, “group name”, JSON.stringify( … some data … ) ); };