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Simple Merkle root calculator

Node or bundler


import mroot from 'mroot'


<script src="mroot.js"></script>

import mroot from './mroot.mjs'


mroot(leaves, hasher, compat = false)

leaves your ordered Array or Set of already-hashed messages

hasher your pair-hashing function, e.g. (a, b) => sha256(a + b)

compat whether to pad each layer to an even number of nodes by duplicating the last leaf, if necessary, for compatibility with Satoshi's Merkle tree implementation in Bitcoin


  1. Your leaves can be in whatever format you want (hex, buffer, array). They never get touched except by your hasher.

  2. If you have zero leaves, we throw an error. In Bitcoin, this returns the 256-bit representation of 1 (see merkle.cpp). You need to handle this case.

  3. If you only have one leaf, your hasher won't be called, so the root will be your leaf itself, even with the Bitcoin compatibility option. You need to make sure your leaf's type is acceptable as a root.

  4. This "constant-space" algorithm mutates a shrinking internal array that doesn't keep the whole tree in memory. (Other JS implementations optimize this further by requiring you to concatenate all of your leaves into a mutable buffer to avoid garbage collection of intermediate nodes?)


// Node
const crypto = require('crypto')
const sha256 = buf => crypto.createHash('sha256').update(buf).digest()
const hasher = (a, b) => sha256(Buffer.concat([a, b]))
const leaves = ['bwib', 'bwab', bwob'].map(Buffer.from).map(sha256)
const root = mroot(leaves, hasher)

Warnings on Merkle tree security

  1. Each leaf must be externally validated, to protect against the second preimage attack.

    For example, given leaves A = "alice" and B = "bob", the root of [A, B] is the same as the root of just [C], where C = hash("alice") + hash("bob").

    YOU SHOULD BE OK if you reject C (e.g. because it's actually a binary hash blob and you were expecting a name) and you don't permanently flag the root itself as invalid (preventing you from accepting the legitimate [A, B]).

  2. Do not use the root as an HMAC if your hasher is vulnerable to length-extension.

    For example, for your shared secret key K and message M, the naive signature sha256(K + M) can be used by anyone to make sha256(K + M + X) to make it seem like you signed X as well.

    YOU SHOULD BE OK if you don't use shared-secret cryptography or you stick to strictly-formatted messages.

  3. Do not use the Bitcoin compatibility option unless you handle the fact that you will get the same root with a potentially invalid, duplicated last-pair of leaves.

    For example, the leaves [A, B, C] will have the same root as the leaves [A, B, C, C]. If you earmark the root itself as invalid because you don't like C being duplicated, then you might be tricked into rejecting [A, B, C] as well.

By Dylan Sharhon, 2020