Source code for the server emulator for clients 2004-2011
Compile on Python 2.7 x86-32 if you want to run/build from source using:
python.exe -m PyInstaller -F -i source-content.ico
Please note the code is constant work-in-progress and might not compile or operate correctly, please use the release zip for full functionality
- pmein1 - Developer and support
- cystface-man - Developer and provided descriptions of CCDB records and service packet information
- Dormine - Original python poc emulator code and updates
- Tane - Original app update code
- steamCooker - Help with some of the intricacies of the Steam services
- GenoKirby - Provided description of section 5 of the SADB
I am using this fork to integrate all packets and services that have been found through reverse engineering. The point is to hopefully one day have a complete steam network for the 2004-2008 clients that allow game authentication game registration, and other things.
some other changes i hope to make are as followed:
- Replaced user's .py file with a mysql database
- Create a php script to query the database and also add/remove users and also add / remove subscriptions
- Get tracker/friends server working for all steam versions
- Get steam v2 (2003) working properly
- Add Packets to allow for outside servers to be added to directoryserver list (like having multiple content servers that can automatically add to the directoryserver list)