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Automates the deployment of an AWS File Gateway as an EC2 instance.


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A new version of this work can be found here:

This module has been deprecated, as Terraform now supports the file gateway activation process. Use the new link above.

The following is for reference purposes only

This module creates the following infrastructure:

  • aws_instance (default is m4.xlarge) launched from the storage gateway AMI
    • with attached ebs volume (default 150 GB, GP2) attached to the EC2 instance
  • aws_security_group to grant NFS access to the gateway
  • aws_iam_policy
  • aws_iam_role_policy
  • aws_s3_bucket for the back-end storage

Other details:

This infrastructure is launched by running the script. This script deploys the terraform to stand up the environment, and then configures the environment through a series of aws-cli calls based on output from the terraform.

Cost Information

Use of this module will incur fees. More specifically, the cost of one EC2 instance. To determine the exact cost of this instance; see Amazon's EC2 pricing page: and Amazon's S3 pricing page:

Usage Examples

This terraform is launched from the script found in this project. You will need to run this file during the build of your project and create your terraform similar to that in the Run the script to stand up your environment.

Note - to tear down a gateway environment, the gateway must first be deleted, then the underlying infrastructure destroyed via terraform. When you run the script, it will automatically create a script that can be used to tear down the environment.

bash ./

Terraform for NFS access from a windows server to the file gateway

data "aws_security_group" "file_gateway_access" {
  name   = "sql-${var.environment}-backup-storage-gateway-access"
  vpc_id = "${var.vpc_id}"

# Then attach this security group to your EC2 instances
resource "aws_instance" "windows_server" {
  # ...
  vpc_security_group_ids = ["${concat(module.launch_pad.security_groups, list(data.aws_security_group.file_gateway_access))}"]

Example Terraform for standing up the gateway.

data "aws_ami" "ami" {
  most_recent = true

  filter {
    name   = "name"
    values = ["aws-storage-gateway-file-*"]

data "aws_region" "current" {}

module "storage_gateway" {
  source            = "[git repo goes here"   #todo add your value here
  instance_type     = "m4.xlarge"
  application       = "test-gateway"
  environment       = "sandbox"
  vpc_id            = "${var.vpc_id}"
  role              = "experiment"
  lifespan          = "temporary"
  line_of_business  = "Sales"
  customer          = "Contoso"
  instance_ami      = "${data.aws_ami.ami.image_id}"
  region            = "${}"
  bucket_name       = "my_install_media"
  gateway_name      = "install_media_contoso_sales"
  key_name          = "contoso_key"


Name Description Type Default Required
application The name application using this storage gateway string - yes
customer is this for a specific customer? string `` no
ebs_cache_volume_size The size in GB of the EBS cache volume. (Optional) Default is 150 GB. string 150 no
environment The environment into which the gateway is being deployed string - yes
gateway_name The friendly name of the storage gateway. This is needed for commands run as part of the gateway configuration. string - yes
instance_ami the name of the storage gateway AMI to launch. this value should be looked up via data module string - yes
instance_type The type of instance to host the gateway. Reference AWS documentation for supported instance types. string m4.xlarge no
key_name the name of the key to be used when accessing the instance string - yes
lifespan How long do these resources live? string temporary no
line_of_business for which line of business is this resource created? string - yes
owner_email email address for the owner of this gateway string no
region The region in which the resources are launched string us-east-1 no
role role this gateway is serving string - yes
vpc_id The VPC id into which this gateway should be launched string - yes


Name Description
application The name application using this storage gateway
creator_arn the creator arn
customer is this for a specific customer?
environment The environment into which the gateway is being deployed
gateway_fqdn The FQDN of the gateway
gateway_instance_id the ID of the file gateway EC2 instance - needed to populate a command that pauses the activation process until the gateway instance is fully online and available
gateway_ip_address the IP address assigned to the gateway EC2 instance - needed to activate the gateway
gateway_name the friendly name of the gateway - needed for querying other details about the gateway
lifespan How long do these resources live?
line_of_business for which line of business is this resource created?
owner_email email address for the owner of this gateway
region the region in which the gateway is being deployed - needed for creating the file share
role role this gateway is serving
role_policy_arn the role policy is used in the share creation command
s3_bucket_arn the ARN of the S3 bucket used as back-end storage - needed to create the file share once the gateway is online
storage_gateway_access_management_security_group_id The id of the security group to attach to your instances to get NFS access to the storage gateway
storage_gateway_access_product_security_group_id The id of the security group to attach to your instances to get NFS access to the storage gateway
storage_gateway_security_group_id The security group id for the storage gateway

Version History

v1.0 - Initial Release instead of relying on consumers to create SG rules


Automates the deployment of an AWS File Gateway as an EC2 instance.







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