Creates the environment to run the EUDAQ framework. This image is based on an phusion/baseimage built over a ubuntu-18.04, and contains the necessary packages to run (or develop) the EUDAQ framework in a real test-beam setup. In order to use LCIO and EUTelescope with this image, take a look at dockerfiles-eutelescope package.
Assuming git
, docker
and docker-compose
is installed on your
system (host-computer).
- Clone the docker eudaq repository and configure it
$ git clone
$ cd dockerfiles-eudaqv1
$ source
script will create some docker-compose*.yml
files. It
also creates the directories $HOME/eudaq_data/logs
, where logs and raw data will be sent in the host
Note that a eudaq repository will be cloned at $HOME/repos/eudaq
it is already in that location). This repository will be linked to the
containers in development
- Download the automated build from the dockerhub:
$ docker pull duartej/eudaqv1:latest
or alternativelly you can build an image from the Dockerfile
# Using docker
$ docker build
# Using docker-compose within the repo directory
$ docker-compose build eudaqv1
The production environment uses the EUDAQ v1.x-dev branch.
The recommended way to launch all needed services is with docker-compose You should be at the dockerfiles-eudaqv1 repository folder and launch:
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f production.yml up
One service per each element of the framework (run control, logger, data
collector, online monitor, TLU producer, ... <to be defined which are the
minimum needed>) is created, all connected to the run control at
To run only one particular service:
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f production.yml run --rm <service_name>
note, however, that run control and the logger are always launched as
needed for any of the EUDAQ producers or components. service_name
could be:
If you want to add other element of the framework, just create a container using
the duartej/eudaqv1
image. Be sure you connect the service to the
(check your available networks docker network ls
); and assign an unused ip:
$ docker run --rm -i \
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
--network <foldername>_static_network \
--ip 172.20.168.XX \
# Once inside the container, lauch the process you are
# interested, and remember to connect (if needed) to run control
# at tcp://
DISCLAIMER: in alpha yet, not tested in production environments
The development environment uses the EUDAQ repository placed in the host computer
at $HOME/repos/eudaq
, which was previously cloned and checkout to v1.x-dev
branch in the installation step.
Analogously to the production environment, the recommended way to launch all needed services is with docker-compose, this time without explicitely especify the yaml files (as uses the default and the override mechanism).
$ docker-compose up
or launching a concrete service as explained in the production section:
$ docker-compose run --rm <service_name>
An extra service is available in order to allow compilation of the developed code:
and devcode-p
(the privileged version, to be run for TLU related
check). The build directory in the container is found in the /eudaq/eudaq/build
$ docker-compose run --rm devcode