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React State Machines

Implement the device authorization process using state machines.


In case of Error: error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported [...] try setting this in your terminal:

  • macOS:

    export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider

  • windows:

    set NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider

  • powershell:

    $env:NODE_OPTIONS = "--openssl-legacy-provider"

"Authorize Device" process

The entire process has 2 callbacks: onSuccess and onLogout. They're called, when the process finishes successfully or is interrupted, respectively.

  1. first, choose the method of authorizing the device (choose method view displayed)
    • if log out chosen, then process finishes and calls onLogout
    • if allow device once chosen, proceed with "allow device" branch
    • if save device as trusted chosen, proceed with "add to trusted" branch
  2. allow device
    • HTTP POST /banking/token request sent
    • when response received, allow once token view displayed and the user is asked to enter sms code
    • when cancelling, go back to the first screen (choose method view)
    • when submitting a token, HTTP POST /banking/token/:tokenId request is sent
      • invalid token submitted -> display the form again with input error (TextField.error:boolean prop)
      • valid token submitted -> finish the process and call onSuccess
  3. add to trusted
    • display the "add device form" view, ask for device name, the user needs to claim ownership
    • HTTP POST /banking/token request sent
    • when response received, add device token view displayed and the user is asked to enter sms code
    • when cancelling, go back to the first screen (choose method view)
    • when resetting token, send the HTTP POST /banking/token request once again
    • when submitting a token, HTTP POST /banking/token/:tokenId request is sent
      • invalid token submitted -> display the form again with input error (TextField.error:boolean prop)
      • valid token submitted -> finish the process and call, proceed to "add device confirmation" view
    • display "add device confirmation" view, request the user to click the confirmation button

"Change Limits" process

The entire process has 2 callbacks: onSuccess and onCancel. They're called, when the process finishes successfully or is interrupted, respectively.

  1. First, the Limits Listing view is displayed, along with current values
    • the user may choose to change the daily limit, the monthly limit, or payment verification method
  2. Changing daily or montly expenses limit
    • the user is asked to define the new limit (daily or monthly, depending on what was clicked)
    • HTTP POST /banking/limits request sent
    • the response is used to display the new limits settings and the user is asked to enter sms code
    • when cancelling, go back to the first screen (limits listing view)
    • when resetting token, send the HTTP POST /banking/token request once again
    • when submitting a token, HTTP POST /banking/token/:tokenId request is sent
      • invalid token submitted -> display the form again with input error (TextField.error:boolean prop)
      • valid token submitted -> finish the process and call, go back to "limits listing" view
  3. Changing payment verification method
    • all steps are same as in changing expenses limits with the only difference: changing "verification method" instead of "expenses limit"

mock API

  • based on msw
  • setup in index.tsx (for app) and in each story (for storybook)
  • HTTP calls defined in api/token.mock.ts and api/limit.mock.ts
  • for clarity, 4-character tokens are considered valid, and all the rest is invalid


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