Back-end Express server created with typescript, Drizzle ORM ( Postgresql ), json web token, bcrypt js password hasing ( sha256 ), cookies.
- Authentication
- TypeScript
- Node.js
- Express.js
- Drizzle Orm
- Bcrypt.js
- Pg
- cookie Parser
- slugify
- Login User : POST METHOD
localhost:3500/api/users/login - Register User : POST METHOD
localhost:3500/api/users/ - Get All Users : GET METHOD
Create a .env file in then root and add the following
PORT = 3500;
TOKEN_NAME = "random-name-for-the-cookie";
NODE_ENV = "development";
JWT_SECRET = "abc123";
pnpm i
# Start Server
pnpm start
# Start server in dev mode
pnpm dev