- whe using Cucumber, is best to use it with JUnit rather than Scala, although it is possible, there might arise different version issues and the scla - cucumber plugins and libraries are in their infancy.
- Unit test ideally should be of the language type
- Does not require full SPARK env, can run locally
[x] Change to pass the input output as arguments [ ] Write vrious DF validation test (i.e. compary 2 data frames) [ ] Create Integration tests to run on a separate standlone cluster [ ] Maven profile to execute app on separate standalone cluster [ ] wire Cucumber to JUnit [ ] Wire cucumber to run by deploying and running on local cluster
#Execution notes.
- Submit a job to a running Spark Environment (talking local only)
spark-submit \
--class com.dumitruc.spark.example.App \
--master spark://${HOSTNAME}:7077 \
--driver-memory 512m \
--executor-memory 512m \
--conf spark.eventLog.enabled=false \
--conf spark.cars.csv.path=cars/src/main/resources/cars-details.csv \
--name "Cars" \
- configure Intellij RUN configurations (run & test)