This repository contains all the core salesforce code and metadata for project
This project is using a scratch org development model. In order to contribute you will need to create a scratch org with and push all metadata configuration and code.
- sf cli
- @dxatscale/sfpowerscripts plugin ( npm i -g @dxatscale/sfpowerscripts)
Scratch Org Setup
For this you will need to be authenticated to a Dev Hub org - this is typically the Production Org
Authenticate to the DevHub (Production Org)
You need to perform this step only once
$ sf auth:web:login -setalias devhub
Clone the repository
There are two options: fetch a scratch org with package dependencies pre-installed, or create an empty scratch org
Option A: Fetch a scratch org from the pool [Preferred]
sfp pool:fetch -t dev -a <alias>
Option B: Create a scratch org and install all dependencies
sfdx org:create --definitionfile config/project-scratch-def.json --setalias <myScratchOrg> --targetdevhubusername <devhub-alias> sfp dependency:install --targetusername <myScratchOrg> -v <devhub-alias> Push the source code sf project deploy start --targetusername <myScratchOrg>
File structure
Each domain should be represented by a subfolder under this directory. For example, the core schema is defined as src/core-crm.
Metadata that is specific to a particular org should be stored here, under the relevant org folder e.g. sit.
This folder is comprised of metadata relating to profiles and other access management.
Container for scripts organised by domain e.g. customer, candidates. Initialisation scripts for scratch orgs are also found here.
Container for .forceignore files belonging to different scratchorg configurations.
New metadata created in scratch orgs is automatically pulled to this location, and must be moved into a package as it does not get deployed.