taskrunner is a simple plugin for Neovim that adds a :Task cmd that runs gulp/grunt in a terminal split.
The plugin by default will look for your gulp/gruntfile in your current working directory. If no taskrunner file is found it'll keep looking up a directory.
The plugin only works with Neovim because it makes use of neovim's built in terminal splits to create the taskrunner split. If installed in regular vim the plugin won't do anything. So it's fine to install in a .vimrc used in both vim/nvim.
Use your favorite plugin manager.
- vim-plug
- Add
Plug 'dylanaraps/taskrunner.nvim'
to your .nvimrc - Run
- Add
" Command Example
" The command on it's own will look in the open file's current working directory.
" If left blank the command will use the 'default' task.
:Task taskname
" More Command Examples:
" You can also use all of gulp/grunt's cmdline flags!
:Task --gulpfile ~/projects/gulpfile.coffee coffeescript
:Task --cwd ~/projects/startpage/
:Task --no-color
Default: let g:taskrunner#cmd = "default"
" Custom launch command for gulp
let g:taskrunner#cmd = "gulp --no-color"
When left default the plugin will launch the task runners with their default command:
- Gulp:
- Grunt:
Default: let g:taskrunner#filelist = ['gulpfile.js', 'gulpfile.coffee', 'gruntfile.js', 'gruntfile.coffee']
" Only look for gulpfiles
let g:taskrunner#filelist = ['gulpfile.js', 'gulpfile.coffee']
" Only look for gruntfiles
let g:taskrunner#filelist = ['gruntfile.js', 'gruntfile.coffee']
Default: let g:taskrunner#split = "10new"
" taskrunner split size/position
" Opens a horizontal split that is 10 high
let g:taskrunner#split = "10new"
" Opens a vertical split that is 30 wide
let g:taskrunner#split = "30vnew"
Default: let g:taskrunner#split_direction = "splitbelow splitright"
" Split Direction
" Sets split to open to the bottom and right
let g:taskrunner#split_direction = "splitbelow splitright"
" left/top
let g:taskrunner#split_direction = "nosplitbelow nosplitright"
" top
let g:taskrunner#split_direction = "nosplitbelow"
" top/right
let g:taskrunner#split_direction = "nosplitbelow splitright"
Default: let g:taskrunner#unlisted = 1
" Hide the buffer from the buffer list.
let g:taskrunner#unlisted = 1
Default: let g:taskrunner#focus_on_open = 0
" Focus on open
let g:taskrunner#focus_on_open = 1