Dynex v.2.2.2-20231218-(#non-privacy).94fc2d7
Dynex "non-privacy" core and wallet update containing:
dynexd (daemon) - non-privacy
simplewallet (CLI wallet) - non-privacy
dynexwallet (GUI wallet) - non-privacy
Min. 5GB HDD, 2 CPU cores and 8GB RAM recommended
Ports 17333, 17336 for p2p connectivity of nodes
Important Notes
CLI/GUI/walletd wallets: transactions and balances remain unchanged; since 12/15/23 only non-privacy tx are accepted
dynexd nodes: synchronization data remains unchanged; since 12/15/23 only non-privacy tx are accepted
All transactions performed with the updated version are containing wallet address and amounts
Up until 12/15/23, legacy nodes and wallets had been supported
Since 12/15/23, nodes ceased to accept privacy transactions
Release file checksums (sha) 0d2df0c1c6ff405ced6a4f1f63f1460de9b991c9 0d392d58bfe8eb4633f485c2339c3b15a915098f 3d6a3838a3c971d40ecfaca0f70e6f6058f00ec7 dded7a28c7cf15c1e2362946427338b5f6fea03c 3be6806bd3beeaf1a2dd223bd8f21dc8f3a52146 4c8be56e1d326aa481fdcd6d4bd993e81dcf8b4d 8ff066cbd0bccc233570c3177e3843fe1d7d646f b1c26ee02e8fb98ad56dfcc38c928ff5aec2efbb
removed legacy networkID
removed support for legacy nodes
removed switching mechanics, pure non-privacy
blocking of legacy nodes at first attempt
performance improvements
added post non-privacy checkpoint
Release notes v.2.2.2-20231211
full support for offline signatures (cold storage, hardware wallets, etc.)
full supports for Dynex Amazon AWS cloud backends
updated checkpoints
improved version switch functionality for 12/15/2023 non-privacy
GUI wallet updates: RPC consolidation fix
GUI wallet updates: added fusion & optimize
GUI wallet updates: disabled sending if not synced
GUI wallet updates: shutdown fix (fast startup without index rebuild)
GUI wallet updates: zero fee fix (rare cases)
GUI wallet updates: log file creation fix
GUI wallet updates: new wallet creation on startup fix
GUI wallet updates: icon for cancelled transactions
Release notes v.2.2.2-20231121 (#non-privacy)
changed DNX from privacy to non-privacy token
transparent input/output wallet addresses
transparent input/output amounts
added wallet input/output data & amounts to node RPC request "gettransaction" (and derivates)
added node RPC request "gettransactionsbyaddress" (returns json with all transactions belonging to an address)
added node RPC request "getbalanceofaddress" (returns balances as well as wallet type legacy/non-private)
added node RPC request "validatetransaction" (returns json with all addresses and amounts = transaction proof)
updated CLI wallet to support non-privacy transactions
updated GUI wallet to support non-privacy transactions
updated wallet service to support non-privacy transactions
updated Dynex blockchain explorer to support search for wallets
updated Dynex blockchain explorer to include input/output wallets in transactions and wallet lookup
Node RPC functions
walletd RPC functions
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