A Scheme dialect.
I built this project to learn the core concepts of programming languages. MyLisp is a general purposed, strongly typed programming language, which performs dynamic type checking just like other Scheme dialects.
Currently support:
- an interactive console UI
- datatype: 64-bit integers, booleans, symbols, pairs, procedures & closures
- syntax:
123 ; integer
true ; boolean
'abc ; symbol
define set! lambda cond quote
mod and or not eq?
equal? cons car cdr list
acceptable identifiers: [_a-zA-z][_a-zA-z0-9]*[!\?]?
a ; variable a
b ; variable b
foo ; variable foo
built-in procedure calls
(+ a b c) ; add
(- a b c) ; subtract
(* x y z) ; multiply
(/ a b c) ; divide by
(mod a b) ; modulo operation
(= a b c) ; equal
(< a b c) ; less than
(<= a b c) ; less than or equal
(> a b c) ; greater than
(>= a b c) ; greater than or equal
(and b1 b2 b3) ; and
(or b1 b2 b3) ; or
(not b) ; not
(eq? a b) ; equal in terms of memory
(equal? a b) ; equal in terms of inherent value
(cons a b) ; construct a pair
(car a b) ; get the first item of a pair
(cdr a b) ; get the second item of a pair
(list a b c d) ; construct a list
regular procedure calls
(f x y z)
(gcd 123 456)
(display (list 1 2 3))
variable definitions: start with keyword define
(define x 123)
(define a x)
(define I (lambda (x) x))
(define K (lambda (x) (lambda (y) x)))
(define S (lambda (x) (lambda (y) (lambda (z) ((x z) (y z))))))
variable assignment: start with keyword set!
(define x 123)
(set! x 456)
x ; 456
(define p (cons 1 2))
(set! p (cons (car p) 3))
p ; (1 . 3)
(lambda () 123) ; constant procedure
(lambda (x) x) ; with 1 argument
(lambda (x y) (+ x y)) ; with 2 arguments
(define a 4)
(define b 5)
(cond ((= a b) 9)
((> a b) 8)
((< a b) 7)) ; 7
(define gcd
(lambda (a b)
(cond ((= b 0) a)
(else (gcd b (mod a b))))))
(gcd 65 13) ; 13
(gcd 64 48) ; 16
The quoting syntax is like (quote expr)
, where expr
is either atom or a list expression.
is a shorthand for (quote expr)
, and the former will be expanded into the latter during parsing.
is a primitive value, it returns the given value.expr
is an identifier, it returns the symbol value to the identifier.expr
is a list expression, it is like applyingquote
to each item of the list.
'1234 ; 1234
'a ; a
'(1 2 3) ; (1 2 3)
'(a b (c d)) ; (a b (c d))
'(a b 'c) ; (a b (quote c))
An expression will go through the following processes after typed into the interpreter:
=> parser
=> compiletime
=> runtime
=> printer
The lexer
converts input character stream into token streams.
The parser
converts token stream into list expressions. It expands all expressions in the form of 'expr
into (quote expr)
The compiletime
performs transformations on list expressions. It outputs AST nodes for the runtime
. Syntaxes like define
, lambda
are built-in transformers in the compiletime
The runtime
evaluates AST nodes and outputs runtime values.
There is tail call optimization for procedure calls as the last expression inside a procedure's body.
The printer
prints runtime values to the console.
Church numerals
(define n0 (lambda (f) (lambda (x) x)))
(define n1 (lambda (f) (lambda (x) (f x))))
(define show (lambda (n) ((n (lambda (x) (+ x 1))) 0)))
(define add (lambda (a b) (lambda (f) (lambda (x) ((a f) ((b f) x))))))
(define mul (lambda (a b) (lambda (f) (lambda (x) ((a (b f)) x)))))
(define n2 (add n1 n1))
(define n3 (add n1 n2))
(define n4 (add n2 n2))
(define n5 (add n2 n3))
(define n8 (add n3 n5))
(define n13 (add n5 n8))
(define n65 (mul n5 n13))
(define n32 (mul n4 n8))
(define n64 (mul n8 n8))
(define n1024 (mul n32 n32))
(show n4)
$ 4
(show n5)
$ 5
(show n13)
$ 13
(show n1024)
$ 1024
(show n64)
$ 64
(define n65536 (mul n64 n1024))
(show n65536)
$ 65536
Message-passing style OOP
(define NewProfile
(lambda ()
(define id 0)
(define name 'name)
(define setId (lambda (x) (set! id x)))
(define setName (lambda (x) (set! name x)))
(lambda (msg)
(cond ((eq? msg 'Id) id)
((eq? msg 'SetId) setId)
((eq? msg 'Name) name)
((eq? msg 'SetName) setName)))))
$ <procedure>:proc
(define p (NewProfile))
$ <procedure p>
(p 'Id)
$ 0
((p 'SetId) 1)
(p 'Id)
$ 1
(p 'Name)
$ name
((p 'SetName) 'dy)
(p 'Name)
$ dy