Quickly get allelic read counts to estimate allele-specific expression (ASE).
- Takes as input:
- VCF file of common SNPs (typically restricted to SNPs in genes). Must be indexed.
- BAM file of whole genome sequencing. Must be indexed.
- BAM file of RNA-seq. Must be indexed
- Identify the variants in the VCF file that are heterozygous in the DNA.
- For those variants, count the numer of reads supporting the reference and alternative alleles (if the locus is covered).
- Outputs a tsv file with the allelic read counts in DNA and RNA.
Output format:
contig | position | variantID | refAllele | altAllele | refCount | altCount | refCount_DNA | altCount_DNA |
1 | 12267999 | rs1061628 | C | T | 207 | 143 | 36 | 36 |
This table can then be used to infer if some genes are expressed from only one allele (e.g. imprinted genes, genes activated by enhancer hijacking...). In particular, fast_ase can be used as a preprocessing step before running pyjacker to detect enhancer hijacking events in a cohort of cancer patients.
fast_ase is similar to running GATK HaplotypeCaller followed by GATK ASEReadCounter, but 10-20x faster. fast_ase only tests the variants listed in the VCF file provided as input, which saves a lot of time, but misses 5-10% of variants compared to testing all possible variants with the GATK workflow. In addition, fast_ase does not perform local realignment, which saves time but might not always be 100% accurate, especially in case of indels. Consequently, indel detection is disabled by default, but can be enabled with --indels
, although the read counts might be inaccurate.
Usage: fast_ase [OPTIONS] --dna <DNA> --rna <RNA> --vcf <VCF> --output <OUTPUT>
--dna <DNA>
Path to the DNA bam file
--rna <RNA>
Path to the RNA bam file
--vcf <VCF>
Path to the vcf file containing variants to consider
-o, --output <OUTPUT>
Path to the output file
-r, --regions <REGIONS>...
Regions to process (if not provided, will process all regions)
-t, --threads <THREADS>
Number of threads to use. If not specified, will use all available threads
--min-mapq <MIN_MAPQ>
Minimum MAPQ for an alignment to be considered [default: 20]
--min-basequal <MIN_BASEQUAL>
Minimum base quality for a base to be considered [default: 20]
Specify this option to keep duplicate reads
Specify this option to only also consider indels in addition to SNVs
--min-allele-count-dna <MIN_ALLELE_COUNT_DNA>
Minimum number of reads supporting the alternative and reference alleles in the DNA bam file for a variant to be considered [default: 5]
--min-vaf-dna <MIN_VAF_DNA>
Minimum variant allele frequency of the minor allele in the DNA bam file for a variant to be considered [default: 0.3]
--min-coverage-rna <MIN_COVERAGE_RNA>
Minimum coverage in the RNA for a variant to be considered [default: 6]
--max-batchsize <MAX_BATCHSIZE>
Maximum number of variants to include in a batch (batches are processed in parallel) [default: 20000]
-h, --help
Print help
For the VCF file of common SNPs, you can use this file for hg19 or that file for hg38. They were downloaded from https://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/snp/organisms/human_9606_b151_GRCh37p13/VCF/ and subsetted to SNPs in genes.
fast_ase is integrated into the nextflow workflow CompEpigen/wf_WGS. This can make it easier to run this tool for a large number of samples.