is an e2fyi
namespaced python package with pyspark
(i.e. e2fyi.pyspark
) which holds a collections of useful functions for common
but painful pyspark tasks.
API documentation can be found at https://e2fyi-pyspark.readthedocs.io/en/latest/.
Change logs are available in CHANGELOG.md.
- Python 3.6 and above
- Licensed under Apache-2.0.
pip install e2fyi-pyspark
is a util function to infer the
schema of unknown json strings inside a pyspark dataframe - i.e. so that the
schema can be subsequently used to parse the json string into a typed data
structure in the dataframe
(see pyspark.sql.functions.from_json
import pyspark
from e2fyi.pyspark.schema import infer_schema_from_rows
# get spark session
spark = pyspark.sql.SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()
# load a parquet (assume the parquet has a column "json_str", which
# contains a json str with unknown schema)
df = spark.read.parquet("s3://some-bucket/some-file.parquet")
# get 10% of the rows as sample (w/o replacement)
sample_rows = df.select("json_str").sample(False, 0.01).collect()
# infer the schema for json str in col "json_str" based on the sample rows
# NOTE: this is run locally (not in spark)
schema = infer_schema_from_rows(sample_rows, col="json_str")
# add a new column "data" which is the parsed json string with a inferred schema
df = df.withColumn("data", pyspark.sql.functions.from_json("json_str", schema))
# should have a column "data" with a proper schema