This Project was created to as a mvp 🚀 for running RESTAssured test in Java
This repository is linked to its Parent POC Project, here is the link Test-Automation-Project-POCs.
Its Simple!
Step 1: checkout this repository ( git clone
Step 2: Open Project (In your fav IDE, I have used eclipse-Kepler )
Step 3: Navigate to Main Class (cd
Step 4: Run : (Right click Run As
> 1. Java Application
Not enough to get kick started, no worries here is more HELP!
- This project was setup amid on a easter Sunday
- Notable most of us were staying home, not because it was a Sunday! but to stay safe from COVID-19
The complete credit goes to TOOLSQA.COM for providing very easy stepwise guide to set up the framework and make free API available to test.
RESTassured-POC was released under MIT License