A Java library for the Forecast.io API. It is quite functional at this point. It still does not fully implements the API but it handles most of the data and I intended to continue further development. Code is available as an Eclipse project. A jar file is available under the jar folder for convenience.
Java 1.7
Tested under Windows 7 64bits, Linux Mint 15 and Ubuntu 13.04 64bits, but it should run everywhere.
####Update (29-06-2013):
- Return null if the field is not defined rather than -1d where -1 might be an accurate value.( Contribution by matthew-cox )
####Update (27-06-2013):
- Fixed bug in timeURL in the internal url builder. ( Contribution by matthew-cox )
- Fixed some typos in the README.md
####Update (22-06-2013):
- Thanks to a contribution by brobzilla, ForecastIO-Lib-Java can be used with an external HTTP library.
The request URL can be obtained by the
method in theForecastIO
class. The ForecastIO methodgetForecast
can now also be called with aJsonObject
or with aString
as parameter. Check the "Usage Examples" bellow to see how to use an external HTTP library. - Better error handling while using the internal HTTP method.
####What is does:
- It can read Data Points and Data blocks from the Forecast.io API.
- This means it can read Currently, Minutely, Hourly and Daily data.
- It reads all available fields.
- It reads all the available flags.
####What it does not:
- It does not read alerts and errors (the confidence in the prediction provided by the API).
- It does not implements the
request option. Did not seamed relevant for this.
####To Do:
- Improve time zone support
- Add support to errors (confidence in prediction)
- Add support to alerts
- (maybe) Add the ability to export data to CSV
- (maybe) Add the ability of converting units of received data: (This would make sense if there were the need of displaying data in various units without having to make multiple queries.)
####How it works:
The ForecastIO-Lib-Java currently has 8 classes (I'll probably add two more to deal with errors and alerts).
The main class is ForecastIO
: It handles the connection the gets the initial data from the API.
The classes FIOCurrently
, FIOMinutely
, FIOHourly
, FIODaily
and FIOFlags
contain the currently, minutely, hourly, daily and flags reports.
The classes FIODataPoint
, FIODataBlock
handle the data in the previous reports
(except for the flags). Most of the work is done by the FIODataPoint
Please refer to the API docs https://developer.forecast.io for better understanding of the data and for the APY key. - You'll need a key to get it to work.
####External Libraries:
- minimal-json
ForecastIO-Lib-Java uses the minimal-json for
parsing the Json API response. I find this library to be great...
This in not a dependency because I added the classes to my project.
######About the package name
In case someone wonders, dme
are just my initials.
As there is no TLD .dme
I decided to use them for the package.
To use it add the jar file to your project build path or add the classes from dme.forecastiolib and com.eclipse.json ( minimal-json )
Data is initialized and fetched by the ForecastIO class:
ForecastIO fio = new ForecastIO(your_api_key); //instantiate the class with the API key.
fio.setUnits(ForecastIO.UNITS_SI); //sets the units as SI - optional
fio.setExcludeURL("hourly,minutely"); //excluded the minutely and hourly reports from the reply
fio.getForecast("38.7252993", "-9.1500364"); //sets the latitude and longitude - not optional
//it will fail to get forecast if it is not set
//this method should be called after the options were set
...or using an external http library:
ForecastIO fio = new ForecastIO(your_api_key); //instantiate the class with the API key.
fio.setUnits(ForecastIO.UNITS_SI); //sets the units as SI - optional
fio.setExclude("hourly,minutely"); //excluded the minutely and hourly reports from the reply
String response = Some_External_Http_Library.GET(fio.getUrl("38.7252993", "-9.1500364")); //use the getUrl method to access the
//generated request URL.
//Parse the reply
//Option 1, (easiest):
//Option 2
Currently, minutely, hourly, daily and flags classes are all initialized in the same way, with a ForecastIO class as an argument:
FIOMinutely minutely = new FIOMinutely(fio);
Most data is accessed like this:
currently.get().temperature(); //gets the temperature data for the currently report
daily.getDay(3).humidity(); //gets the humidity data for day 4 in the daily report
The following examples print the data available in each class.
Forecast common data:
ForecastIO fio = new ForecastIO(your_api_key);
fio.getForecast("38.7252993", "-9.1500364");
System.out.println("Latitude: "+fio.getLatitude());
System.out.println("Longitude: "+fio.getLongitude());
System.out.println("Timezone: "+fio.getTimezone());
System.out.println("Offset: "+fio.getOffset());
Currently report:
FIOCurrently currently = new FIOCurrently(fio);
//Print currently data
String [] f = currently.get().getFieldsArray();
for(int i = 0; i<f.length;i++)
System.out.println(f[i]+": "+currently.get().getByKey(f[i]));
Minutely report:
FIOMinutely minutely = new FIOMinutely(fio);
//In case there is no minutely data available
System.out.println("No minutely data.");
//Print minutely data
for(int i = 0; i<minutely.minutes(); i++){
String [] m = minutely.getMinute(i).getFieldsArray();
System.out.println("Minute #"+(i+1));
for(int j=0; j<m.length; j++)
System.out.println(m[j]+": "+minutely.getMinute(i).getByKey(m[j]));
Hourly report:
FIOHourly hourly = new FIOHourly(fio);
//In case there is no hourly data available
System.out.println("No hourly data.");
//Print hourly data
for(int i = 0; i<hourly.hours(); i++){
String [] h = hourly.getHour(i).getFieldsArray();
System.out.println("Hour #"+(i+1));
for(int j=0; j<h.length; j++)
System.out.println(h[j]+": "+hourly.getHour(i).getByKey(h[j]));
Daily report:
FIODaily daily = new FIODaily(fio);
//In case there is no daily data available
System.out.println("No daily data.");
//Print daily data
for(int i = 0; i<daily.days(); i++){
String [] h = daily.getDay(i).getFieldsArray();
System.out.println("Day #"+(i+1));
for(int j=0; j<h.length; j++)
System.out.println(h[j]+": "+daily.getDay(i).getByKey(h[j]));
Flag report:
FIOFlags flags = new FIOFlags(fio);
//Print information for metar stations
for(int i=0; i<flags.metarStations().length; i++)
System.out.println("Metar Stations: "+flags.metarStations()[i]);
//Print all available flags
for(int i=0; i<flags.availableFlags().length; i++)
To report issues please do it in Github or
send me email.
I generated a javadoc based in the comments I made. It is included in the files under the javadoc/ folder but do not expect it to be best documentation ever.
I started writing this library for two main reasons: First, I wanted to make a serious open source library that was meant to used by anyone and not just by me for quite sometime now. Second, I came across the Forecast.io API that I found to be functional with clear and good information. Also, I like the weather and weather data and weather prediction so this is going to be very useful for me to implement my crazy ideas about weather software.
- Initial implementation and main development
- Add the possibility to use an external http library
The code is available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License.