To run the Bean Validation TCK against the Java EE 8 Reference Implementation, follow the steps in this file. The ant targets provided will call Maven which will download the TCK artifacts and execute the TCK against the Java EE Reference implementation.
Other links:
TCK Bundle: TCK workspace:
Install Maven - Ensure that mvn is in your path Set MAVEN_HOME in your environment Note: The test will overwrite ~/.m2/settings.xml with beanvalidation specific settings.xml. Take a backup of your settings.xml
Install Ant - Ensure that ant is in your path
Install V5 refer to this as GF_HOME
Unzip the BV porting bundle in the top level of the BV TCK (not required). Refer to this location as PORTING_HOME
cd to PORTING_HOME and edit the file
set the JAVA_HOME environment variable in your shell environment
set porting.home, and glassfish.home in
If necessary, modify the following default property values in build.xml for your environment On windows, try setting max.heap.size=1024 and max.perm.gen.size=512
Invoke 'ant sigtest' to run the signature tests
Invoke 'ant test' to run the TestNG test suite
To run the sig tests and the TestNG tests in a single run, you can invoke ant run.all.tests
-If running Glassfish with a security manager (by executing $GF_HOME/bin/asadmin create-jvm-options, you must add the following permissions to the server.policy file...
grant { permission java.lang.reflect.ReflectPermission "suppressAccessChecks"; permission org.osgi.framework.AdminPermission "", ""; permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "createClassLoader"; permission "modifyPrincipals"; permission org.hibernate.validator.HibernateValidatorPermission "accessPrivateMembers"; };