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Magento 2 Advanced Contact

Magento 2 Advanced Contact extension is an awesome module for Magento 2. It allows administrator add more custom fields to contact form.

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  • Allowing setting Enable/Disable module.
  • Allowing adding custom fields for contact form.
  • Allowing setting Email template.
  • Allowing setting email to receive the customer's contact.


  • Manage contacts in Backend (Edit and Delete)


  • Replace default contact form at Contact page detail.

1. Documentation

2. Introduction installation:

2.1 - Installation Magento 2 Advanced Contact extension

Manual Installation

Install Advanced Contact extension for Magento2

  • Download the extension
  • Unzip the file
  • Create a folder {Magento root}/app/code/Ecomteck/AdvancedContact
  • Copy the content from the unzip folder
Using Composer
composer require ecomteck/module-advanced-contact

2.2 - Enable And Install the extension

  • php bin/magento module:enable Ecomteck_AdvancedContact
  • php bin/magento setup:upgrade
  • php bin/magento cache:clean
  • php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

2.3 - See results

  • Going to the contact detail page on frontend, You can see the custom from which is replaced the default form.
  • Administrator go to Content ->Advanced Contact to see the Contacts management
  • Stores -> Configuration -> General -> Contact -> Advanced Contact to see the configurations of extension.

3. ScreenShots

update soon.

4. Conclusion

Magento 2 Advanced Contact extension is an awesome module for Magento 2.

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