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CMake Addon production ready extension for C/C++ project making it easy to split the project into modules and submodules which are dynamic and static libraries, includes package manager CPM & Conan, doxygen docs system, provides useful build/install systems and test system.


  • Standardize of the C/C++ project structure
  • Reduce the number of instructions for building a project
  • Improve the internal organization of the project
  • Improve support for modern coding standards
  • Improve module reusability
  • Improve convenience TDD
  • Improve CPack integration
  • Improve library & executable versioning
  • Make it easy to set up a project building & installation
  • Add support for auto-generated documentation
  • Add capability for dockerization
  • Add automated formatting of C/C++ & CMake code (integrate clang-format & cmake-format)
  • Add CMake & pkg-config integration
  • Use improved package manager Conan

Module structure

<library-name>             # library that application uses
├── include                # library definitions
|   └── <library-name>     # definition namespace
|       ├── header.h(pp)
|       └── ...
├── src                    # source code 
|   ├── source.c(pp)
|   └── ...
├── tests                  # unit tests
|   ├── main.cpp
|   └── test_***.cpp       # expected source files with `test_` prefix
└── CMakeLists.txt         # expected `create_module` function
  • Name of module will be equal to
  • CMakeLists.txt contains module declaration
  • Module should contain following dirs:
    • include
    • include/
    • src
    • tests
  • contains module version macros that can be used to identify version of module

Module declaration

        TYPE library_static # or library (shared), or executable
        VERSION 0.0.1
        DESCRIPTION Logging module
        DEPENDENCIES CONAN_PKG::magic_enum # libraries that links to module
        EXPORT # make sense only for libraries
            CMAKE NO # install module and export binaries via cmake 
            PKGCONF YES # install module and export binaries via pkg-config
  • Module TYPE divides into 3 types: library (shared library, DLL), library_static (static library), executable (ELF, EXE)
  • VERSION helps to identify version of every single module
  • DESCRIPTION used to generate description for package
  • DEPENDENCIES links other modules & libraries to current module
  • EXPORT label generates CMake & pkg-config files that helps to find packages and single components
    • CMAKE label exports module as CMake package
    • PKGCONF label exports module as pkg-config package


  • Recommended to use cmake addon as a git submodule
git submodule add cmake
  • Need to add cmake/main.cmake file to root CMakeLists.txt file
  • Recommended to use CMake initialize_project function in root CMakeLists.txt file
  • <application-name> directory in root should contain executable module, libs directory in root should contain library modules which includes into project with add_subdirectory function



CMake Addon provide modern tools for project development







No packages published
