💰: to have a quick view about ur metaTrader(4/5) Earnings through an IOS widget~
- you need to install the Scriptable 2 ur IOS first!
- you need to sign up the metaapi and bind ur metaTrader(4/5) account(using read-only password 4 security) 2 ur metaapi account!
1.how 2 use Scriptable?
open Scriptable, click the "+" button on the right-top,
past the code from MetaTraderAccountViewer.js and rename it as 'MetaTraderAccountViewer'.
And return 2 the Home panel.
Then add a widget of Scriptable at Home panel, deep press 2 edit it, select the script named as MetaTraderAccountViewer.
2.what we do after signing up the metaapi?
create a new account binding 2 ur metaTrader(4/5) account in Account page,
and copy the account id as accountId of MetaTraderAccountViewer.
copy API token as authToken of MetaTraderAccountViewer in API Access page.
3.how 2 make it work?
u r supposed to click the MetaTraderAccountViewer btn in Scriptable first, and choose sign in 2 binding this widget 2 ur metaapi account.