This Website offers the possibility to view all the charts relative to the different assignments of the Data Visualization course, of the academic year 2022/2023, made by the MammaMia! group. The data are taken by a GitHub Repository ( that contains some geojson and json files. These files contains all the informations about the trees of the city of Trento, also devided in the different "circoscrizioni" of the city. In the subpages relative to the different assignments we can find many different kind of data visualization that show conclusions about the data.
You can browse the website, created using GitHub Pages as server, clicking on the following link: After you are redirected in the home page of the webiste, in which you can find the different sections, one for each assignments. In each section you can click on the specif section's button for going to the subpage in which you are able to see all the charts that shows informations about data, following the assignments' requirements.