🐛 Bug Fixes
fix: child title input [Teodor Voicu - f273238
fix: change title if there is a translation available [Teodor Voicu - 4ab9421
fix(remove): remove old TermWidget [nileshgulia1 - 3e0ec80
fix(taxonomy listing): bbb for eea.api.taxonomy [nileshgulia1 - c2e2968
💅 Enhancements
change(EditTaxonomy): add language select and translation support [nileshgulia1 - be2f2b9
refactor(EditTaxonomy): add insert node at same level button Refs #145360 [nileshgulia1 - 59008a4
refactor(EditTaxonomy): move action buttons inside input wrapper [nileshgulia1 - df50f7a
🛠️ Others
Merge pull request #25 from eea/develop [Nilesh - 6a1cac0
bump version 4.1.0 [Nilesh - de88163
resolve conflicts [Teodor Voicu - e95278e
remove update id from schema [Teodor Voicu - cbdf014
code cleanup [Teodor Voicu - b2b7a6a
fix edit taxonomy fields [Teodor Voicu - 9ce1dac
change styling [Teodor Voicu - cddaa7f
code cleanup [Teodor Voicu - 76b75ff
:fix: enabled to edit children title [Teodor Voicu - ad18cd6
show empty field if no translation provided [Teodor Voicu - 0ff1edc
test: Fix issues identified by Sonarqube - Refs #254220 [dana-cfc4 - 015433f
test: add unit tests for TaxonomySettings - Refs #253277 [ana-oprea - b747308
fix react.useCallback [nileshgulia1 - 43f7b16
fix eslint [nileshgulia1 - 8e108ce
fix tests [nileshgulia1 - df26a02
Edit taxonomies settings tab [nileshgulia1 - 3845214
support for Edit taxonomy fields [nileshgulia1 - 1d2d262
react usecallback and remove console.logs [nileshgulia1 - ea4fd54
refactor get and delete endpoints [nileshgulia1 - d95be9b
check for duplicated node ids [nileshgulia1 - a640d47
reply no content in update taxonomy [nileshgulia1 - d69b6f3
get parsed data from backend, add icons and toast [nileshgulia1 - faacffe
use uuid as keys [nileshgulia1 - b93fabf
edit taxonomies data with react-tree [nileshgulia1 - 50bad97
add react-sortable-tree [nileshgulia1 - 24cf688
subscribe to store [nileshgulia1 - 1bf27d1
update taxonomy data [nileshgulia1 - 7a85d94
dedupe network calls [nileshgulia1 - f4bfe37
simplified reducers, modified edit taxonomy [nileshgulia1 - e5deb4e
simplified taxonomy schema [nileshgulia1 - 5a85d10
add and delete taxonomy [nileshgulia1 - 615996b
successfull add taxonomy [nileshgulia1 - 725f671
use new endpoint @taxonomySchema to get the add taxonomy schema [nileshgulia1 - 682dff6
You can’t perform that action at this time.