Playing around with python to make the world a better place.
Feel free to fork the code and write the necessary packages for dependencies. :) Also, in order to properly grow the codebase, we will need some documentation. Oh, and in the event that my code is not "pythonic" I welcome you to lend a hand. This is not my day job.
Starting code is below:
Created on Mon Jul 20 17:50:25 2020
@author: ericervin
from emotions import love, compassion, gratitude
from wisdom import reason, critical_thinking, teach
gifts = [love(), compassion(), gratitude()] # Create list of gifts to apply to the people
# Build function to create a better world
def create_a_better_world(people, gifts):
for person in people:
for gift in gifts:
teach(person, gift)
teach(person, critical_thinking)
teach(person, reason)
if person.goodwill_to_all != True:
while person.goodwill_to_all == False:
teach(person, love)
# Run the function in an endless loop
while True:
create_a_better_world(people, gifts)