MasterChef of the EFX PancakeSwap kitchen.
Distributes EFX Tokens to PCS liquidity providers.
#1: 0xE2F0627DCA576CCdbce0CED3E60E0E305b7D4E33
#2: 0xb8326DCe706DF2D14f51C6B2f2013B6490B6ad57
#3: 0x85545106c90D502C108F38B7eb9A8ec265F07415
#4: 0x2ee04Eb081C6548BDDb729d64AA2912375882735
#5: 0xED73b3eE35864c1Bb6AEB6DeaAF2eF822479e5c4
#6: 0x5DB383654994361E3F03fe14915b44E9Ee9C1492
EfxMasterChef operates in a slightly different way:
- There is no
syrup. EFX is his sole ingredient. - No contributions to
devaddr, all rewards go to LPs. - He receives tokens from the DAO and keeps them safe in storage. No minting.
- He doesn't have a migrator. He has a fixed purpose and can do without this risk factor.