Welcome to the ExoplanetsSysSim package for generating planetary systems and simulating observations of those systems with a transit survey. Currently, SysSim focuses on NASA's Kepler mission, but we've aimed to develop a generic framework that can be applied to other surveys (e.g., K2, TESS, PLATO, LSST, etc.).
- Make sure you have julia and git installed.
- If you want to use ssh keys instead of https authentication (to minimize typing your github password), then:
- Setup a local ssh key using ssh-keygen
- Tell Github about your ssh key: Person Icon (upper right), Settings, SSH & GPG keys, New SSH Key. Entry a name in the title box and paste the contents of
cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
into the "Key" box. Add SSH Key.
- Run julia and install the ExoplanetsSysSim repo as a Julia package using the following command.
- If you are using windows, you might encoutner an issue with capitalization of package names.
- If you have some issues with Blosc, you might need to follow the instructions here: JuliaIO/Blosc.jl#5
It's recommended that you run the setup script below that will attempt to install two related packages (ABC, CORBITS) that are often used in combination with ExoplanetsSysSim.
- Optionally, run some tests, e.g.
using ExoplanetsSysSim
- Change into the ExoplanetsSysSim directory (likely ~/.julia/v0.6/ExoplanetsSysSim or the similar appropriate path as the julia version increases).
- Run some simple "applications" (after exiting out of Julia and going to
cd apps
julia syssim_summary_stats.jl demo_param.in demo_ss.out
julia syssim_dist.jl demo_param.in demo_ss.out
- Create your own feature branch and start adding features to make SysSim even more realistic and powerful
- Write papers and cite relevant publications (e.g., Hsu et al. 2018)
NOTE: To run simulations which use the same forward model discussed in Hsu et al. (2018), please go to the "examples/hsu_etal_2018/" sub-directory.
- Eric Ford
- Matthias He
- Danley Hsu
- Darin Ragozzine
- Robert Morehead
- Keir Ashby
- Jessi Cisewski
- Chad Schafer
- Tom Loredo
- Robert Wolpert
- Kepler Mission
- Kepler Science Team
- Kepler Multi-body & Transit Timing Variations Working Groups
- Origins of Solar Systems program, award NNX14AI76G
- Exoplanets Research Program, award NNX15AE21G
- The Pennsylvania State University
- Dept. of Astronomy & Astrophysics
- Center for Exoplanets & Habitable Worlds
- Eberly College of Science
- Institute for CyberScience
- Center for Astrostatistics
- Penn State Astrobiology Research Center
- Florida Institute of Technology
- University of Florida
- Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute