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Typescript-based object validator used to verify a not trusted object, coming from external APIs, by using a pre-defined model with specific rules that object should follow.


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Object Validator

The object validator is used to verify a not trusted object, coming from external APIs, by using a pre-defined model with specific rules that object should follow.


Use Cases

Object Validator is very useful when needing to validate objects coming from the APIs, making the validation easier and the validation code shorter and clearer. The model manages to condense the rules necessary to consider an object as valid in as minimum lines as possible and very easy to read as it is basically a javascript object.

What I Learned

  • Advanced Typescript

    This project features many advanced topics of the Typescript superset, such as interfaces, ES6 loops, testing, etc. Although I already knew typescript before I started this project, it helped me settle some more advanced topics on the subject.

  • Advanced Generic Interfaces

    Making this project I strengthened my typescript Interfaces skills. It was very challenging to use the proper Generic interfaces where needed. The goal I had while setting up this project was to avoid the use of the any type as much as possible, except in the places where it was really needed. This is why I consider this project uses advanced generic interfaces.

  • Unit Testing with Jest

    A very important part of each project is testing. This project is no stranger to unit testing using Jest. This project helped me remember the importance to apply unit testing in all of my projects, even personal ones.

  • NPM Packages and Github Actions

    I provide this project as an npm package. This was the first time I created an NPM package and published it. A nice guide can be found here for manual publish or here if you want github to handle the publications to NPM. The other thing I learned in this project is how to handle automatic Github Actions to publish a package to NPM as a scoped package.

  • Documentation

    As you can tell by this documentation, I'm used to documenting all my projects with nice, complete and updated documentation (This is a sample project nevertheless).

  • Licensing repositories

    This is the first project I add a license to. This was also a new experience for me, as I had to look up information on different licenses, to find the one that fit my expectations.


  1. Install the package
npm install --save @egdelgadillo/ts-object-validator@^2.0.0
  1. We import the required methods and types
import {
} from '@egdelgadillo/ts-object-validator';
  1. Create an Interface

  2. Create the Model using the ConvertToOptions type alongside the Interface

  3. Call the ValidateObject method with the object to verify and the model it should follow

An example of an object and the model is provided in the example.ts file:

npm run start:example

For each property that does not follow the model requirements, the validator will print each error to the console:

Error: Property "id" cannot be present.
Error: Property "last_name" requires "is_company" to have another value
Error: Property "phone" requires "cellphone" to have another value
Error: Property "is_company" requires "name" to have another value

Ths behavior can be changed by passing the {throwOnError: true} options to the validator:

  throw new Error(errorMessage);

Error: Property "id" cannot be present.
  at Object.ErrorHandler (ErrorHandler.js:6:15)
  at internal/main/run_main_module.js:17:47

For more information go to the Examples section.

ConvertToOptions Helper Type

The project provides a helper type which can be used to create the Validator Model. The ConvertToOptions requires a type/interface to be provided as a Generic Argument. This type will latter convert each property of the provided interface and transform it to an IOptions type, which encapsulates all the possible properties a valid Validator Model should have based on the properties of the provided interface.

Validator Model features

The hauptspeise of this project is the creation of the model. This will inherit the required properties from the interface (Does not matter if the object contains optional properties) which will be provided as a generic type through the use of the ConvertToOptions helper type (See the ConvertToOptions Helper Type section for more information).

The model options for each interface property are:

  • alwaysPresent: Required if allowNull is not provided: This ensures the property must always be present on the object otherwise this will cause an error.

  • allowNull: Required if alwaysPresent is not provided: This allows the object property to be null.

  • type: The type the property should have. This includes a wide range of possible values (See the type for more information)

  • values: An array of strings or numbers with the possible values the property can have. If the property does not contain any of this values this will cause an error.

  • depends: This is the most complex of all the properties. By default it only accepts properties that are present on the object interface. It has various possible values:

    • A single string: The property that is indicated here will have to be present, although it will not be checked for valid values.

    • An array: This array can contain strings as well as objects (They can be mixed in the same array). All strings will be verified to be present in the object, similar to the single string value cited above. If one of the items is an object it will require the following properties:

      • Name of the object must be one of object interface properties.

      • state: Valid values are 'present' and 'absent'.

        • 'absent': The property must not be present on the object for an error not to be printed.
        • 'present': The property must be present on the object and it must fullfil the other properties.
      • validate: Only available if state is 'present'. Has two possible values: 'ifValue' and 'ifNotValue'

        • 'ifValue': This property must be equal to the value specified in the valueToTest property otherwise an error will be printed.
        • 'ifNotValue': This property must NOT be equal to the value specified in the valueToTest property otherwise an error will be printed.
      • 'valueToTest': The value to which the object property will be compared to, depending on the value of the validate property.

  • oneOf: This consists of a string array which can only contain the property names of the object. At least one of the properties stated there should be present in the object for the object to be considered valid. If none are present an error will be thrown or printed.

ValidateObject Method

The ValidateObject method takes 2 required arguments as well as another optional argument:

ValidateObject(object, model, { throwOnError: false });

The first argument, the object, is the object we want to check or verify. This should be an object which origin we do not trust (Or should not, as good practices), for example from external APIs or user input APIs.

The second argument, the model, is the model we configured to test the object with, which holds all the business rules we want it to follow.

The third and optional argument, the options, can have only 1 property: throwOnError which is used to configure wether the validator should print the errors to the console or throw to the first error it encounters while validating the object. The default value is false, which means that if not provided, the validator will only print the errors to the console (if any) without throwing.


Given the following object interface:

interface IExample {
  name: string;
  last_name: string;
  number: number;
  comments: string;

We define the model with the rules each property should have (We use the ConvertToOptions type to make the model follow the Interface properties):

const modelExample: ConvertToOptions<IExample> = {
  name: {
    alwaysPresent: true,
    type: 'string',
    depends: ['last_name', 'number'],
  last_name: {
    allowNull: false,
    type: 'string',
    depends: [
        name: {
          state: 'present',
          validate: 'ifValue',
          valueToTest: 'John',
        number: {
          state: 'present',
          validate: 'ifNotValue',
          valueToTest: 0,
  number: {
    allowNull: true,
    type: 'number',
    depends: 'name',
    oneOf: ['name', 'last_name'],
  comments: {
    allowNull: true,
    type: 'string',

Then we call the validator to test the object

// We get the object we want to test
const objectToTest = { name: 'John', last_name: 'Doe', number: 42, comments: "That's all" },

// Will print all errors to console without throwing errors
ValidateObject(objectToTest, modelExample);

// Will throw to the first error it encounters while validating
ValidateObject(objectToTest, modelExample, { throwOnError: true });


The perfect place for collaboration is the development branch. All Pull Requests should be done to that branch, and those changes will eventually be pulled to the master branch.


This work is licensed under a GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.


Typescript-based object validator used to verify a not trusted object, coming from external APIs, by using a pre-defined model with specific rules that object should follow.






