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.NET library - Generic implementation of Google's GRPC for long-running request-reply services


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.NET library - Generic implementation of Google's GRPC for long-running request-reply services.

GRPC should be used for Microservices with long-running requests; for which the client needs a response. Otherwise a REST Service would suffice.


Instead of creating several "Protos", by defining the GRPC contracts for each Request-Reply; the library provides a generic GRPC implementation.

The following are provided:

  • Generic Grpc Client: IRpcClient<T, R>
  • Generic Grpc Service implementation: abstract class RpcServiceBase<T, R> : Rpc.RpcBase
  • Middlewear to setup Grpc
  • Prometheus Metrics

T - Request Type

R - Response Type

GRPC Client

The client interface is defined below:

public interface IRpcClient<T, R>
    TryOptionAsync<R> Execute(T request, string serverAddress, Guid correlationId);

The client does the following:

  1. serializes the request T to JSON
  2. sends the serialized JSON using GRPC
  3. async waits for the response from the server
  4. deserializes the response and return R

Serialization/desrialization uses Newtonsoft.Json

See Microservice.Serialization to define custom JSON serialization/deserialization.

GRPC Server

To run a GRPC the following are needed:


See Microservice.Core (provides a library to host HTTPS kestrel services)

Note: Grpc requires HTTPS; the client should trust the certificate used in the Grpc service

2) The following references are needed in your ASP.NET project file (.csproj)

Create a WebApi microservice

dotnet new webapi -n NewProject.Server

Edit the NewProject.Server.csproj file and add the references:

  • Microservice.Core
  • Microservice.Serilization
  • Microservice.Grpc.Core.csproj (this library)
  • Grpc.AspNetCore
  • LanguageExt.Core


    <ProjectReference Include="..\Microservice.Core\Microservice.Core.csproj" />
    <ProjectReference Include="..\Microservice.Grpc.Core\Microservice.Grpc.Core.csproj" />
    <ProjectReference Include="..\Microservice.Serialization\Microservice.Serialization.csproj" />
    <PackageReference Include="Grpc.AspNetCore" Version="2.34.0" />
    <PackageReference Include="LanguageExt.Core" Version="3.4.15" />

3) Implementation of RpcServiceBase<T, R>

protected abstract TryOptionAsync<R> Execute(Option<T> request);

Implement only the work to be done by the GRPC Server.

E.g. GRPC that takes a request (BusinessRequest) and returns a response (BusinessResponse)

public class TestRpcService : RpcServiceBase<BusinessRequest, BusinessResponse>
    public TestRpcService(ILogger<Rpc.RpcBase> logger, IGrpcMetrics metrics) : base(logger, metrics)

    protected override TryOptionAsync<BusinessResponse> Execute(Option<BusinessRequest> request)
        return request
            .Bind<BusinessRequest, BusinessResponse>(req => async () => await Task.FromResult(new BusinessResponse()));

4) Bootstrap

In the service startup ensure HTTPS is configured (UseKestrelHttps()); and the implemented Grpcservice is registered (AddRpc() and ConfigureGrpcService()):

E.g. HTTPS setup


                .ConfigureWebHostDefaults(webBuilder =>

E.g. Setup GRPC (ensure the implemented service is registered: TestRpcService example above)

AddRpc() and ConfigureGrpcService()

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddTransient<IGrpcMetrics, GrpcMetrics>();

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)


The Core library provides additional components to your service; if necessary.

See Microservice.Core: see


public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)

Metrics GRPC client/server

Use SetupMetrics() to expose the Metrics to prometheus

Screenshot: Grafana displaying Grpc Metrics


The interface uses a Monad TryOptionAsync to represent a return type. This allows the following encapsulation:

  • An Async operation
  • Potential Exceptions
  • Successfully Result T is returned (otherwise Exception or Null is returned).

This allows better binding of pure functions. The callee can decide when to propagate the monad back; by calling .Match.

Additionally, the callee can also use .Bind to another TryOptionAsync; creating a flow of pure functions


await _configurationRepository
              r => r, // Result found => return result
              CreateDefault(u), // Result is null => create a default value
              e => throw e // Exception => throw error or return a value; for error-cases

Note: null checks are not necessary.


Performance and caveats

The additional JSON Serialization/Deserialization is an overhead to Google's ProtoBuf. (~100ms more or less; depending on the data transferred/serialized)

But it might be worth the overhead:

  • to help new GRPC users; to quickly build consistent, generic GRPC services
  • to have one .NET Grpc service/client library and contract definition
  • if only interested in the RPC solution; i.e. the contract management/promise/definition is a blackbox


Copyright (C) 2021 Paul Eger

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see


.NET library - Generic implementation of Google's GRPC for long-running request-reply services








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