As a means to provide equitable access to blockchain data, we've developed the NeonScan Developer APIs to empower developers with direct access to NeonScan's block explorer data and services via GET/POST requests.
- node
- react
- for npm
npm start
- for yarn
yarn start
|—— .gitignore
|—— package.json
|—— public
|—— scripts
| |—— deploy-eth.js
| |—— deploy.js
|—— src
| |—— @types
| |—— App.tsx
| |—— assets
| |—— components
| |—— config
| |—— networks.json
| |—— networks.testnet.json
| |—— eclipse.svg
| |—— index.scss
| |—— index.tsx
| |—— Layout.tsx
| |—— libs
| |—— metamask.tsx
| |—— locales
| |—— en-US.json
| |—— zh-CN.json
| |—— neon.scss
| |—— Pages
| |—— 404.tsx
| |—— account
| |—— auth
| |—— blockchain
| |—— docs
| |—— Home.scss
| |—— Home.tsx
| |—— more
| |—— nft
| |—— resources
| |—— staking
| |—— tokens
| |—— pretty.scss
| |—— react-app-env.d.ts
| |—— reportWebVitals.ts
| |—— RouterMapping.tsx
| |—— setupTests.ts
| |—— useStore.tsx
| |—— WebCrypto.tsx
|—— test
|—— tsconfig.json