This project contains data ingestion pipleine configuration and analysis scrips for a small sample project of data processing using Hadoop, Flume, Hive and Spark in the Cloudera quickstart VM.
Start Flume agent with configuration provided in the module
Start events-producing python script in the
Generate the amount of data you'd like to process. (Flume will output generated events in
directory in HDFS using regex interceptors for timestamp column) -
Start hive commandline or Hue and execute SQL scripts from
To execute the last query which requires UDFs, build project with gradle
./gradlew clean build shadowJar
and place jars into Hive auxiliary jars directory, and then add them and executecreate function
commands. -
For the spark part use the Jar from the
module and use the following spark-submit command.
spark-submit --class com.ehborisov.udf.PurchasesAnalysisDF --executor-memory 512m --driver-memory 512m \
--conf"hdfs://localhost:8020/user/cloudera/flume/events/year=2019/month=04/day={04,05,06,07,08,09,10}/" \
--conf spark.networks.table="/data/capstone/geodata/GeoLite2-Country-Blocks-IPv4.csv" \
--conf spark.countries.table="/data/capstone/geodata/GeoLite2-Country-Locations.csv" \
--conf spark.jdbc.url="jdbc:postgresql://" --conf spark.db.user="admin" \
--conf spark.db.password="12345" \
it expects postgres database named capstone
to be available at the default port to export the results.
- To export the results of hive queries into the same database use SQL scripts and Sqoop commands from the