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Useful Hints

Arne Westphal edited this page Oct 17, 2018 · 2 revisions

Useful Hints

Here we have some general hints, when using elearn.js. We try to cross reference the wiki sections as good as possible, but if you look for something specific and do not find it, we suggest to always check all the wiki pages first. Information regarding the Markdown conversion can be found in the Wiki of each plugin.

Recommended Usage

Please check the recommended usage section in the repository README. This will save you a lot of time.

Math Formulas

If you want to use math formulas try MathJax. We use it ourselves and there might be some things working better when using MathJax instead of other libraries.

Change the Style

Currently elearn.js only has its default style. If you want to change it, we recommend to check the elearn.scss. This is used to compile to the actual elearn.css and it contains color variables.

As the elearn.css and elearn.scss are usually overwritten when updating your project, we recommend creating an additional .css file containing only the overwrite changes. You can include the file in a markdown file using the custom meta tag, when using one of our plugins. Please check the corresponding wiki.

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