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Extract Linked Files

westarne edited this page Jun 29, 2018 · 2 revisions

Extract Linked Files

If you want to extract all files linked in the converted markdown code, use

htmlConverter.toFile(markdown, filePath, rootPath, {
        exportLinkedFiles: true
    }).then((filename) => {
}, err => console.error(err));

For more information on the export options when using htmlConverter.toFile check the Conversion wiki page.

If you want to extract the files manually, use

var fileExtractorObject = MarkdownElearnJS.FileExtractor.replaceAllLinks(html);
// update the converted html to include the new relative paths
html = fileExtractorObject.html;
// extract the files

The tool will search for all file paths in img, script, link and source Html elements. Those paths will be replaced by relative paths to the asset folder and the updated html can be found as displayed above.

Also all these files are stored in the fileExtractorObject.files array, which can be used in the extractAll function.

The inputRoot should lead to the Markdown file, so the relative links in there can be combined with the inputRoot to an absolute path. The outputRoot leads to the parent directory of the assets folder. The timeout (in ms) will cancel the extraction process after some time, if something went wrong.

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